Re: and The Skycutter
March 15, 2008 09:45PM
Nightmask Wrote:
> The problem with a flood of 'You're the
> greatest/you rock/etc' posts is that they crowd
> out posts with actual substance and turn off
> people who aren't interested in that and are
> logging in and looking for actual discussions.
> Where there isn't anything inherently wrong in
> wanting to praise someone for good work when it
> starts looking like a macro on your computer that
> reads 'when posts reply with ' it's gone too
> far.

I can see you point Nightmask, 100%, but every forum I've been a member of from the beginning of it's creation, had fan base posts. it's normal. Go to every first post you ever seen in any forum you've been too and prove me wrong. Give it some time and like this site, it'll eventually die down.

> It also backfires as it tends to cause anyone else
> who might have posted a positive response to not
> do so because they don't want to be mistaken for
> one of those drones. They also might be afraid to
> post because they disagree with some or all of it
> because it's almost a given that they risk getting
> flamed. Why would anyone want to post when they'd
> have to risk getting flamed like I was? One
> reason Niniri gave up posting or reading things
> was being burned out on that kind of thing and I
> seriously doubt she's the only one, just one of
> the few willing to say so. The rest just
> disappear without a sound feeling their opinion
> doesn't matter. Since I post out of a love for
> the game and general desire to be helpful and not
> to have legions of worshipful fans I continue to
> post in spite of the flaming fanboy legions for
> the people who can appreciate it.

I really wish the name calling would stop. If you want less flamage, try less name calling.

> One problem to work around for moderators is that
> often the kinds of things requiring one are
> infrequent so anyone chosen likely hasn't any
> proven history in dealing with such problems,
> especially if they're called upon to moderate
> someone who's a friend who's behaving badly. It
> generally requires someone who can step outside
> friendship and not let dealing with that interfere
> with the friendship afterwards (much like a cop
> has to not let his friendship or family ties stop
> him arresting someone for doing wrong while still
> being a friend or family member).

Oh this isn't hard to do. Specially when you're involved in law enforcement. I once turned my own step brother in for robbery, drugs, and showing up to my home with a warrant out for him. Being unbias isn't hard to do if you have the nerve and the right mind to do it.

> A moderator 'pool' might be a good idea, similar
> to a jury pool with primaries and alternates so
> that moderators could be rotated to determine
> their ability to handle the job as well as keep
> the burden low for any particular individual. I
> know I'd find it good to not have to remain a
> moderator non-stop and get some time without the
> hassles of going 'Hey you people go to your
> respective corners, cool down, and NO posting
> anything to each other's posts for at least a
> week' every time some thread goes nuclear.

Nice idea in text form, Would be quite the tasked to manage. And loads of time to set up. Time this site doesn't have much of... I'd strongly suggest thinking longer on this idea due to recent personal experience on another forum simular to this one, I'd suggest a psyche evaluation with this rotational application idea. Works great for law enforcement. It'll help us keep people from getting trigger happy with the Delete key.

> With regards to Niniri and her moderator position
> at Skycutter's I'm sure she was doing what she
> felt was needed to help the site grow and be a
> good one instead of just page after page of 'you
> rule!'. I'm sure he'd rather people were posting
> stuff that helped everyone out and drew people to
> his forum rather than drove them off because they
> couldn't find anything beyond one-line posts all
> saying how great he is and nothing else or
> couldn't find the material worth reading because
> they weren't going to dig through all the spam to
> find it.

Yeah....On the subject of trying to get through page after page of "you rule!" lots of forums have a search engine to help with this issue of finding things, which I personally think some forums could improve upon to help the community better. But like I said earlier, the site is new and that fan base will fade with time. Just like this site fan base did, I'm noticing. Plus, I seen you folks compliment no different than the rest of the community. Just less of it.

> Having a real interactive forum is what's made
> this site so good, what's drawn people to it so
> consistently over the years. It's not line after
> line of nothing but single-minded praise but
> actual people who for the most part are posting
> their views and agreeing to disagree with little
> more than the occasional heated argument. I have
> also noticed when looking back through the forums
> that the recent flames we've seen aren't new,
> there have been other periods where it was bad
> (Your Favorites has a number of character posts
> dated from 2003 that got nothing but flames and
> redicule from the members at the time and zero
> respect). This group survived that to continue on
> and reviving it elsewhere after Aunt_Petunia gives
> it up isn't impossible as long as there's
> committment to doing it right.

I agree. With much TLC involved.

> For those who like my suggestion for a new site
> name thanks I'm glad that it's striking a chord in
> at least some people. I think with committment
> and planning we can rebuild and keep Classic
> Marvel going long into the 21st Century and after
> the internet is replaced with something so much
> better than it like broadband puts dial-up to
> shame (or so I've been told).

I totally dig the name, brilliant man, brilliant and fitting.


"Fer the love of my sweet Community...RAGNARöK"
Re: and The Skycutter
March 15, 2008 09:57PM
After being on the phone with Skycutter for over an hour tonight I am 100% convinced that his heart is in the right place. Something tells me that if we are all just patient and relaxed, everything will work out. Change is hard, especially when it concerns something we all get so much joy from. This is all about the game and Skycutter definitely knows that. Give this process a little time and I'm sure these forums will be back in the normal swing.

The Last Duskblade
Q-Class Forever!!!
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 12:29PM
Wow! All I can say from looking over this thread is I cannot believe how some of you are acting! Registered members I thought I lot of acting like pompous @#$%&, that is right I said it, and I do not care what you think ether! I have lost respect for the lot of you, except Redman II and maybe TheLastDuskBlade. All I hear about is Flamers and how each of you wants to control this Forum, who the hell are you! This Forum and Marvel Community was created by Aunt_Petunia, not you smug @#$%& holes! Aunt_Petunia picked The Skycutter to take his place and not you (makes you jealous)! From reading this thread I know why Aunt_P wanted The Cutter, each of you ran his down, and said he was not go enough to be the Administrator of this site because you are jealous of him! The Cutter never said anything negative back to you, to defended himself, or as you would say Flame. If you think that I’m a Fan Boy you are wrong and I wish just one of you had the back bone to say it to my face if you think other wise (I would make you very sorry if you did)!

Skycutter, I would like to thank you for all that you are doing for Classic and I want you to know that not everyone here in this Forum thinks the way that the members in this thread do! I have some advice for you Cutter; Aunt_Petunia thinks you are the man for the job and that is all that matters! As for the few members in this thread that are acting like punks, they say they want to by Administrators, and Moderators! Give them nothing they want, put people you want and trust in key positions for this Community!

_My Vote_

1. Administrator? The Skycutter {The only one Aunt_Petunia picked for the Job}
2. Moderators? ThatArtGuy, RAGNARoK, Ben Riley, and Hooch or Punstarr (maybe The Rook).
3. New domain name? Classic Marvel or something by David E. Martin
4. New hosting site? As long as it is not, anything but them please.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2008 12:30PM by X.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 01:13PM
given i'm in a generally unpleasant mood..

challenge accepted.

"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2008 01:15PM by Lord_Sidious.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 01:13PM
frakkin browser

"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2008 01:14PM by Lord_Sidious.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 01:40PM
Lord Sidious, retorting will only drive the nail further to ending classic marvel. Just for once, let it stop here, this includes others and myself as well. Lord Sidious, you are an upstanding member of the communtiy. A pillar if you will. You can make a difference here. Please, I'm asking you to please, just don't retort. X is part of the same community as we are. Sure he's angry, and said a few things he may or may not regret. A lot of people are angry on here. With the name calling, brow beating from one forum to another. It was bound to get the members of Skycutter site attention and this was predictable and you all know it. I'm not taking sides, because their shouldn't be any. WE ARE THE COMMUNITY. It just takes one of us to hold our tongues just enough to grin and bare it to improve the quality of the community.

I have taken messures at the skycutter site to improve posting quality with the Fan base there. You all complained of the frequent fan posts that clutter you viewing pleasure. I'm trying an idea out that would hopefully remedy this issue of yours. An option that beats deletion of members and would dramatically reduce flamage. There is always a way to make things better.



"Fer the love of my sweet Community...RAGNARöK"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2008 01:44PM by RAGNARoK.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 01:52PM
oh i'm not mad about the site.

I've just had a really shitty night/morning and he picked the wrong time to post it.

"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 02:27PM
*sighs* His post would also be considered a nail to further the end of classic marvel. Merely adding more would not improve the outcome. Two wrongs don't make a right my friend. I'm sorry that you had a shitty night man I hope your day improves. And yes he picked a wrong time to post it. There is never a right time for a flame in general, even if one feels it was just.

X, my fellow community member and friend. Please refrain from anymore flamage. I know you felt in your heart that lashing out was the best recourse but it only hurts the cause. I know negitive things have been said. I for one am just as guilty. If I'm willing to try and improve my additude, I would hope you and everyone else would be willing to improve theirs too. Being a member X, You also have a responsibility to the betterment of our community. Please help me out here.

Laws of Attraction state: Like Attracks Like. If we continue posting negitive, hurtful post, we will get more negitive hurtful post. A never ending vicious cycle we've all witness. Aunt P, I'm sure, has been reading these post and wincing with hurt to see what it's come too. This flaming, negitive, hurtful posts is what drove Aunt P away. More of it will end this forever. Please, I'm begging even. Let's not end our community by our own hands.


"Fer the love of my sweet Community...RAGNARöK"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2008 02:33PM by RAGNARoK.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 03:02PM
just to clarify here... basically i will turn over the address after a bit.. I am willing to repoint the domain to a new host and after a bit of easing in (moderating if you will) i'll happily transfer the domain. It's my little insurance policy :-)

'Fer the love of my sweet Aunt Petunia' - Ben Grimm
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 04:51PM
Hmmmm, I suppose someone had to come around and throw out some actual flames while most of the posts have kept relatively civil, nice to see quick replies on the part of Ragnarok that that doesn't happen to be doing anything positive unless it was to positively ensure everything goes to ashes.

I don't think I've seen anyone disagreeing with Skycutter taking over because they've ill will towards him, the rejection seems to be more along the lines of the members of his fanbase that are prone to flaming anyone holding an opinion deemed contrary to how they feel Skycutter should be worshipped, so if anything it's that very fanbase that's feeding the fires for those who want someone more neutral or unknown like Rook as the new admin. If they want him getting what they feel he deserves they might want to behave a bit more positive and respectful of others even when someone disagrees with Skycutter or them over something.

We can get over the problems though and rebuild better than ever but attacks and character assassinations and putdowns won't ever improve things.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

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Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 05:21PM
ok her's how it stands:

Auntie's made his decision. We all need to respect it.
Cutter is trying to do his best for our community as a whole. I can respect that.
We need to give it time and just chill out and see what happens.

Everyone (self included) relax, toss back some frosty beverages and enjoy the best friggin RPG site made ok?


"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 06:43PM
I'm down with that.

The Last Duskblade
Q-Class Forever!!!
Re: and The Skycutter
March 16, 2008 10:49PM
There are actually about 5 or 6 people on this site who I think could do a decent job running it. Skycutter is one of them.

Here's my reasoning: When people need help with something over the past year or so, Skycutter is right there in an effort to assist. That's it. That says enough for me.

And I hope, if Auntie P makes that decision, maybe at a future date, Niniri AZ will pop by to take a look once in a while, and either not like what she sees and leave or like what she sees and participate. She adds a lot to discussions here, including, at times, a unique angle or perspective others had not considered.

But I want the site, especially the forum, to continue, and if Skycutter feels up to it, I would consider him to be doing us, or at least me, a favor by taking over the workload.


"My parents went to The Secret Wars Battleworld and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt..."
Re: and The Skycutter
March 18, 2008 02:01PM
I'm too new around here to vote on Admin or Mods, but I like the name

Daniel M. Perez
Highmoon Media Productions

TSR is a registered trademark owned by TSR Inc. TSR inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a division of Hasbro, Inc. Names(s) of character(s) and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks and © of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used without permission.

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