Emma Frost
August 08, 2003 01:27PM
Emma Frost

Fighting: Excellent
Agility: Good
Strength: Typical
Endurance: Amazing
Reason: Remarkable
Intuition: Incredible
Psyche: Monstrous

Health: 86
Karma: 145
Resources: Incredible/ Monstrous through Frost-Meridian Enterprises
Popularity: 0/60 Business and Upper-Class

Known Powers:
Telepathy: Emma is a high-order telepath with Monstrous level abilities. She may perform the following power stunts:
Read Minds: Monstrous
Astral Body: Monstrous
Project Illusions in a targets mind: Monstrous
Mental Bolts: Monstrous
Psionic Rapport: Amazing
Psionic Control: Monstrous
Generate Pain on touch: Monstrous
Astral detection: Monstrous
Free-Spirit: Monstrous

Psi-Screen: Monstrous (Both diamond and non-diamond form)

Body Transformation-Diamond: Emma has recently manifested a mutation that turns her skin into organic diamond of Unearthly strength.
~Claws: Rm/30 Edged Damage
~Body Armor: Am/50
~Rm/30Strength (Raises Health to 110)

She may not use her telepathic abilities while in "Diamond" form, but her psi-screen remains in tact.
Any shots to her flaw bypass Body Armor and she must make an Endurance FEAT vs. Kill.

Administration, Business, Finance, Education, Electronics, Teaching, Hand Guns, Psychology, Seduction, Heir to Fortune (Cordelia Frost's business)

Generation X, Hellfire Club, Proffessor X, X-Men, Big Business

I think this better reflects Ms. Frost. She's repeatedly shown she can exist without her body (Iceman and w/ the "Shattered" storyline). I read a write-up that gave her Am/50 T.I. but I'm not sure what you rule about diamonds. In your Benchmark section, it says diamond is Un/100 material strength.

Her nails in diamond form are effectively claws of Un/100 MS and it can be argued that she has super-strength in diamond form (Look at how easily she snapped Cassandra Nova's neck).

Also is it really fair to call her the White Queen? She's clearly not affiliated w/ the Hellfire Club anymore (her late sister Adrienne took her place as theWhite Queen).

Whatcha guys think?

Post Edited (08-12-03 10:33)
Re: Emma Frost
August 08, 2003 02:21PM
Looks great.

Re: Emma Frost
August 08, 2003 04:50PM
I think it mostly looks good, but Amazing Strength is a little high - I give her Remarkable (and a Health increase).

I also never call her the White Queen. She's Emma Frost.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
Re: Emma Frost
August 08, 2003 11:06PM
Im old school .....she'll always be the white queen to me.

Just like Selina will always be the black queen

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 09, 2003 01:37AM
The Black Queen, now there was a villian i could sink my teeth into. She was so Awesome, and she looked good in skimpy black leather.:hot:

" I kill where I wish and none dare resist. I laid low the warriors of old and their like is not in the world today. "
Re: Emma Frost
August 09, 2003 03:58AM
Ah yes........the poster babes for BDSM fashion.....:):hot::hot::bow:

I can resist everything except temptation--Oscar Wilde
Re: Emma Frost
August 09, 2003 02:47PM
Yes give it up for the women in black leather......*drool*

I think I have the stats for her somewhere I will try to post it.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 09, 2003 03:26PM
We've got stats for her on the site, you know.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
Re: Emma Frost
August 11, 2003 05:30PM
cool.......need to check that out. I thought I had everyone but nope.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 11, 2003 11:51PM
I know you like her Moryssa, but I dont' care much for Emma. She seems like nothing more than boobs and a thong. And while being a man and all I can certainly appreciate that, but not being a teenager for many moons now, I really need more to keep me interested. Oooooh, now I've got diamond hard boobs, everybody run. ;-)

Of course seems as how I think the quality of the various mainstream X-Men titles nowadays is somewhere between jock itch and a veneral disease, I don't imagine I really know enough about her to be a fair judge. Last time I knew what was going in the X-worlds she was still in the Hellfire Club. :)


Marvel > DC
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 02:01AM
Emma's a @#$%&. Every team needs a world-class @#$%& to make comments undercutting the masculinity of the meatheaded muscle-men. Of course, the X-Men mostly have brains - but it's good to have a woman around who prefers Scott to Logan (anyone remember when Betsy went after Scott? Ah, the days when Psylocke was allowed a personality. Even if it was a plot device).
Emma's also the one who's not afraid to tell Xavier and Jean where to get off. Well, she wasn't; she may be more careful around Jean these days.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 07:46AM
Why is her Psi-Screen so low? The power normally is at least as high as the Psyche seeing as how it builds on top of that stat.
The difference being the power allows you to extend the psi-screen to protect others.

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur. (Translation: Everything said in Latin
sounds profound.)
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 08:51AM
Not Bad!!

Fighting need to be up to excellent due to her diamond form. Emma does must of her hand to hand combat in that form and has experience in at least Martial Arts A and/or B
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 09:01AM
I've never liked that detail. I mean, Gambit, Wolverine, Jubilee, Night Thrasher and Thor have all been shown to have some kind of innate resistance to psionics that goes beyond simple Resist Domination or high Psyche. But none of them, so far as I know, have ever used that ability to shield others.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 11:32AM
Okay, changed Strength in Diamond form to Rm/30 and Fighting to Ex/20. I also raised Emma's Psi-Screen, although she doesn't really use it for other's benefits. Really just her own ;-).

Emma has more to her than fake boobs and two nose jobs. She's pure malice. Evil. And inspiring:). It's true, I've always identified with evil women (Ursula from the Little Mermaid anyone?) but Emma's got something special. Especially since she's trying to be a hero but is still as villainous as ever. She brings a lot of flavor to the X-Men and she's proven that she can care about others (although I'm sure she's going to get bored w/ Scott soon enough).

BTW, didn't she have Mutant Detection at one time?
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 11:38AM
yes she did but it was at (Ty) at best. Remember she searched for all the Members of the Hellfire club personnally and hid them from Charles.

And didn't Sabertooth say that he knew why she was with the X-Men or was that Mystique... Oh well.

The best place to hide is right under thier nose.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 12:29PM
Her boobs are fake? I never knew any comic book heroine actually admitted to having fake boobs. I know they all look like they went to the same doctor and ordered the same model, but to admit it, well comics have come along way haven't they. ;-)

How about a little b-ground info on her. I've herad rumours she and Scott traded bodily fluids and that Jean killed her but that's about all I know since she was still the White Queen.


Marvel > DC
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 01:14PM
Scott & Emma did not have sex, their affair was purely mental. Jean did not shatter Emma's form, it was some as-yet-undetermine assailant (who matches Scott's height). Jean actually used her powers (which've slowly been being amped up by latent Phoenix Force energy) to reassemble Emma's fractured form & to yank her mind back into the body.

Be Ex/20 to one another!
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 02:14PM
X-men really makes no sense anymore.

By the way, Frost isn't a bad girl, she's just drawn that way.

Post Edited (08-12-03 13:20)
Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 05:16PM
Ouch that pun hurt....bad real bad.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.

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