Emma Frost

Posted by Moryssa 
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Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 06:15PM
Yeah, well, I pretty much get all my wisdon from Roger Rabbit, unfortunately.

Re: Emma Frost
August 12, 2003 08:49PM
I'll do a write-up of Emma;s history soon enough.

She did have a telepathic affair with Scott (she "dressed" up in Jean's old dark Phoenix costume). Emma's prize students, the Stepford Cuckoos (I'll do a writeup of their powers if you want) betrayed Emma to Jean Grey (they were angry over the death of one of their sisters). Jean took her through memory lane w/ the Phoenix Force, where Emma revealed she had a nose and boob job (also dies her hair) and that she actually started out in the Hellfire Club as a stripper. Jean left Emma distraught and she confessed to Wolvie she loved Scott (why I don't know).

Later that evening, Emma Frost's shattered diamond form was found by Beast which led to Sage and Bishop investigating the "murder". It turns out that Esme, one of the Cuckoos, controlled the hybrid minds of her sisters, steered her other sister Selphie towards death as they stopped a Riot at Xavier's and mentally controlled the pregnant Angel (her real name. she's part fly and she's pregnant by Beak, part bird guy) to shoot Emma with a diamond bullet in her flaw. However, it was also revealed that Esme was working for someone else (and possible clues might be found from reading X-Treme X-Men's "Schism" storyline).

Anywho, Jean found out that Emma's spirit was still clinging to the physical plane (what a surprise) and used the Phoenix Force to put Emma back together, body and soul. That's where the storyline left off.
Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 12:59AM

You've got to be kidding me.

I understand if people like the X-Men, some think I'm crazy for being such an Ultimate fan, but X nowadays just seems so convulted to me. Like soap operas. Not in their cheesy-ness, but in the fact that the backstory has so many twists and turns, dips and bends it begins to seem more like a plate of speghetti than a branching tree of events. And I just don't think I care enough about the current state of X-Dom to put the time and mental energy into learning and even relearning in some cases. Other than Ultimate X-Men I haven't read but 3 X-Men books (New X-Men specifically) since about 6 issues after the X-Men #1 drawn by Jim Lee back in the early 90's.


Marvel > DC
Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 04:57AM
Well, Warlock, Grant Morrisson has made it explicit that he really likes that the X-men are so much like a soap-opera. Hence, the whole "evil twin" bit with Nova Cassandra.

So if you hate soap-operas in general, stay clear away from X-men for a while...
Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 11:55AM
How dare you call the X-Men a Soap Opera!!! What is Grant Morrison thinking? A book with Erica kane with superpowers who tries to Luke from Laura who has a bat cave and utility belt. Mind you, I really don't care for his work since he did turn Doom Patrol into that very same thing, a SOAP OPERA!! However, If you like sub-plots and uncertain ends to stories, read X-Men...during the years Clairmont was writing it.(He is the man!!) But overall it is a decent book, sometimes with some bad plots but generally good.

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose. Just as long as I pissed you off" --- Morrigian, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 03:13PM
The newest issue of Uncanny is surprisingly good. It has the best showdown between Xavier and Juggernaut that I've ever seen. And it proves my theory that Prof X is a jerk.

Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 05:59PM
havent read that one yet....so go ahead and tell me

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 06:15PM
It was just good writing for once. Nightcrawler's origin is coming up.

As for Prof X, basically Juggernaut wanted to go visit one of the younger students at his home. Prof X wouldn't let him and a huge 5 page argument broke out revealing interesting things about their past.
I never really considered that Prof X saw Cain go into the cave and end up trapped. Then Prof X intentionally left him there for years.
Kinda low when you look at it that way.

You'd really have to read the exchange to get the gist of it. Just flip through it at a comic shop. It's well worth that at least.

Re: Emma Frost
August 13, 2003 10:45PM
cool.....now just have to get to one.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 14, 2003 03:01PM
It's the newest issue, 428 or 429.

Re: Emma Frost
August 14, 2003 03:25PM
In reading the last few issues, When has it ever been mention that Mutant can't acquire AIDS!!!! This is the first time the book ever mentioned it in Uncanny X-MEN 427!!. What are the writer's smoking????

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose. Just as long as I pissed you off" --- Morrigian, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Re: Emma Frost
August 14, 2003 03:33PM
Never heard of that.
However ALL mutants are supposed to have superhuman endurance. I've read that many times through the years in X-titles, though it's not reflected in the game.

Re: Emma Frost
August 14, 2003 03:41PM
I still think the writer are smoking something!!! Not all mutants have resistance to certain disease like the common cold, AIDs, etc.. I don't know where they get this in issue#427. I will research this and win a No-Prize for this. HEHEHEHEHE:)

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose. Just as long as I pissed you off" --- Morrigian, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Re: Emma Frost
August 14, 2003 09:58PM
I agree......viruses are always mutating. That and there are no cures for viruses. That is why there are no cures for a virus.

I can see mutants like Wolverine not getting sick becuase of Regeneration but not everyone has that power.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 04:15AM
Spirit: Super-human endurance IS reflected in the game: Mutants (Random Mutants in the UPB) get +1 CS in Endurance.

I've wondered where they got that from since I first read the rules.

Glad to see it has some justification in the comics. I thought all of the X-men were just tough and in generally good shape, but it's really some kind of mutant thing is it?
Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 08:12AM
Well, Mutants are supposed to be the next step in humanity's evolution, so it'd only make sense that thy'd be tougher, given the wider variety of diseases & poisons in the environment than there were 1,000 years ago.

And this revlation that Mutants can't get AIDs sticks in my craw -- wasn't the whole Legacy virus storyline supposed to be (at least in part) an analogy for AIDS?

Be Ex/20 to one another!
Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 09:03AM
I don't think a mutant strain of Apocalypse's Techno-Virus (aka the legacy virus) could be equivalent to AIDS. To me, saying that Mutants are amune to AIDS make we wonder how come they still get the common cold, flu, etc.!!! I just think it is poor writing on Marvel's part as normal for X-men. I think they said that since ArchAngel has mutated further where his blood heals wounds and other diseases now. They made mention of that a few time over in the last few issues. It would better than Wolverine's blood with his regeneratory properties.

OVERALL, I am still research this....I smell NO-PRIZE for the mess-up.

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose. Just as long as I pissed you off" --- Morrigian, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 02:26PM
Now Iceman is going through a second mutation. Seems like cheap marketing to me.
What's Wolvie's gonna be, waterbreathing?

I've just over the years seen references to mutants being tougher. Mostly when Kitty Pryde joined. I think it may even be mentioned in God Loves man Kills.
Forgot about the Ult Powers reference. But it's not apparent in official mutant stats. Do any of them besides Magneto seem to have unusually high Endurances?

Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 02:55PM
Storm and Emma have Amazing Endurance.
Re: Emma Frost
August 15, 2003 03:07PM
Xavier is listed in the Judge's Book as having Remarkable, which is seriously good for a middle-aged man who's not that long out of his wheelchair, even if it is a custom-cloned body.

Havok has Incredible.

Bishop has Incredible.

Sunfire has Amazing.

Not counting all the mutants with physical mutations (Warren, Hank, Logan, Husk, Monet, Rogue).

Come to that, Gambit and Jean aren't exactly big on the circuit training. Their Remarkable ranks may be partly because of mutation.


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