'EVIL' Captain America >=)

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March 15, 2008 12:36AM
EVIL Captain America

Distinguishing Physical Features:

Evil Steve Rogers looks identical to ‘Steve Rogers’ the first incarnation of America’s successful Super Soldier, also known as ‘Captain America’. The only noticeable difference between Steve Rogers and Evil Steve Rogers is the different uniforms and various scars. Evil Steve Rogers also has different demeanor and behavior. Evil Steve still walks about proud and confident. But he’ll ‘@#$%&’ Slap you with an Iron Clad Fist before he shakes your hand in a friendly gesture.

(Evil Steve Roger’s Stat Page is also a means of describing various House Rules using the expanded Table)


Evil Steve Rogers is from an Alternate and Parallel Universe, in which during Earth’s World War II, Germany came to Victory over the entire world. Long story short, Adolph Hitler and the German Armies conquered ALL of Europe and then began to invade the Middle East and the Northern Countries of Africa, before invading the Soviet Union. As a final result Germany succeeded in World Domination.

Due to Adolph Hitler’s and Germany’s national success, most Countries, their leadership, and even their Country People choose to adopt Germany’s Political affluence, rather than Fight the Germans. Great Britain was one such Nation. As Germany meshed its Military forces with Great Britain the Axis Nations became an unstoppable force.

German expansions into the Middle East were meet with fierce opposition. However, many Middle Eastern Soldiers and Citizens chose to defect to Germany’s cause. As a result, many of these people who lived a life of poverty became wealthy and powerful after their skirmishes. With the Axis Powers gaining alliances with Great Britain, the Middle East, Africa, and all of Europe; Russia was soon conquered and it too allied with Germany as an Axis National Power.

While many died, those who survived had seen their Country rise from poverty and despair into an era of growth and prosperity under the German Regime. And unlike the German Regime of our Universe, Adolph Hitler was not considered ‘Evil’ as his nation embraced all people under one constitutional government. But converting dynasties required ‘WAR’.

On the Pacific Front, Japan’s attack on the U.S. was meet with greater success. Japan succeeded in a strategic military maneuver on the U.S. by assaulting Pearl Harbor, then moving eastward to land their ships on the shores of California. As Japanese and American soldiers fought for territory in California, The Axis Powers moved their ships onto the Atlantic with a means of assaulting the U.S. from the East Coast.

As America was being bombarded on both the Atlantic and Pacific fronts; with Japanese forces moving Eastward and Axis Forces moving Westward; And U.S. being caught in the middle, the U.S. was soon to be toppled over.

After 5 years of waging a catastrophic war in the U.S. Adolph Hitler had become ill with a rare form of cancer. As a result the Axis nations and the U.S. Forces found themselves at a stalemate. While the U.S. caught a short break from the assaulting Axis Powers, Japan was able to take advantage and move its forces further inland toward Texas.

The U.S. was truly in a pinch, thus the U.S. Government employed one of it’s few Global Defense Initiatives. Genetically engineered “Super” Soldiers. These men were collected from all the remaining loyalty of the U.S. and genetically modified. Steve Rogers was one of these soldiers.

Evil Steve and many others like him were deployed into battle against the Japanese and Axis Nations. As the U.S. began to regain it’s National footing and composer, Adolph Hitler died of cancer. And the Axis Nations began to feud among themselves.

The U.S. President, Harry Truman, made an executive decision between the lesser of two Evils. He had witnessed the accomplishments of Adolph Hitler and his ability to unite all of Europe, the Middle East, Russia, and a good part of Africa under one harmonious and prosperous Government. The Axis Nations who were not actively involved in the war flourished in prosperity and harmony. Thus, The U.S. President allied the U.S. Nation with the Axis Powers and Harry Truman took over where Adolph Hitler had left.

Soon after, Canada, Mexico, and most of South America were also Axis Nations. As Japan noticed this overwhelming unity of nations, Japan’s Government pulled back its forces. And the Earth of this Alternate and Parallel Universe eventually became peaceful under one New Earth Government.

Life Style: This Steve Rogers lives as a Fighting Soldier in a Global Entertainment Industry, known as the N.E.G. Combat Tournaments. These exhibitions of bloody combat serve the Human Society as a means to avoid global destruction. Much like Rome’s Cathedrals of Gladiator Battle. The Society of this Alternate and Parallel Universe holds these Cathedrals and Tournaments worldwide. Steve Rogers is known as ‘Captain Vengeance’ as many of his fans adopted the name from ‘Captain America’ But America is no longer an independent nation in this Parallel World. And the people of this U.S. Nation are historically associated with ‘Vengeance’.

Personality: Steve is considered ‘Evil’ in our Parallel realm, however, his morality is considered ‘Noble’ in his own Parallel Universe. Evil Steve Rogers is basically a Ruthless MO-FO with very little restraint when it comes to combat. However, he has many students and fans, and commands a great deal of respect from other Tournament Fighters from his own realm.

In Combat, Steve relies heavily on his experience, tactics and skills, rather than sheer brute force. But if he has the brute force available to him; he’ll use it quite efficiently.

Known Physical Powers:

Induced Mutations: Evil Steve gains his super natural powers through his Equipment and his Induced Mutations which keep his physic above peak pinnacle human levels. It is unknown if he can raise his abilities beyond peak pinnacle human, but he has been able to easily adopt virtually any form of Athletic Conditioning, from pro fighter, to marathon runner, to power weight lifter. Normally, Evil Steve can master a specific athletic sport in a few months of training. He has been able to place ‘Silver’ and ‘Bronze’ in several Olympic events spanning a very wide spectrum of athletic skills.

In his Parallel Society he is renowned as one of the most versatile ‘Human’ athletes. While he may not be the ‘Best’ at a particular event, he has demonstrated uncanny mastery over the athletic skill set.

Evil Steve normally keeps himself athletically balanced and tuned for the Combat Tournaments; but he can condition himself to gain [+1 Rank] in any single FASE attribute, while sacrificing a few points from the other 3 attributes. Evil Steve may accomplish such a feat of development in about 2 weeks of intense training in a specific direction, such as Speed Track Running verse Power Weight Lifting.

Regeneration: AA:08. Evil Seven has gained Cellular Regeneration due his induced mutations. During RPG Game Combat this ability is too slow even register for the players and Game Judge. However, he has FULLY recovered to complete health with medical attention. He has even survived a number of fatal injuries that would have left normal humans crippled or maimed for life. This regeneration also allows his body to adopt athletic training regiments in relatively short training periods.

Under most conditions Evil Steve will recover about 1 to 4 HP per hour (600 Game Rounds) after suffering an injury regardless of his activity. He does not have voluntary control over his regeneration but in a medical environment or even at Stun or Rest he will recover faster, gaining about ½ a point to 1 HP every game round.

Melee Combat and Body as a Weapon: Evil Steve is formally trained in a number of Martial Arts reflecting MSH Rules for ABCD and E. Evil Steve can inflict a little over RM:30 Blunt Damage with his Striking and Grappling hand to hand combat maneuvers. This RM:30 Blunt Damage is derived from an Average Score between his Agility and Strength.

(40 + 25 = 65...... 65 / 2 = 32.5 and round it Down to 32)

This Brute Power is often not manifested as a Single ‘Big / Swift’ hit or grapple, but a Flurry of lightweight Attacks. With Evil Steve’s Fighting Rank just a tad over ‘Peak’ Human, at VI:55, he can normally move into a Flurry attack consisting of 5 total moves involving both Strikes and Grappling maneuvers, sometimes referred as ‘Combo’ maneuver. Normally, his RM:30 Blunt Damage will be divided among these hits. If Evil Steve is attacking an inanimate object which will not ‘Fight’ back he only needs to FEAT Roll for Brute Power, rather than ‘Solid’ contact.

+ Blue: Total Miss, He did not even attempt an Attack. The opportunity was unavailable, or he hesitated.
+ White: He will attack but missed the intended Target. Attacking an inanimate object will receive ½ the impact.
+ Green: He ‘Hits’ the Target. He either used 1 ‘Hit’ of RM:30 Impact | 2 Hits of EC:15 | 3 ‘Hits’ of GD:10.
+ Yellow: He will ‘Stun’ OR ‘Slam’ with 1 to 4 Attacks. 1 at RM:30 | 2 at EC:15 | 3 at GD:10 | 4 at AA:08.
+ RED: He may up-shift his Damage to FN:35 OR add 1 extra attack to gain 5 total attacks of ‘Slam’ AND ‘Stun’
+ Karma RED: Same as a Natural RED, only induced to success through Karma.

He may also defend himself with 2 basic forms of Fighting Evasions: He may either ‘Short Dodge’ and Counter Attack, OR ‘Parry / Block’ the assailant’s attack and Counter Attack. In either fashion; the goal is to avoid an enemy’s attack while simultaneously Counter Attacking. During a Fighting Evasion Evil Steve will remain in his 1 Area Melee Reach of his enemy. Creative Players and Judges may take this concept a step further to include both Melee and Range Based Weapons. Such as using his Shield to Parry an Attack then immediately returning Fire with a Gun, or a Punch, or a Kick, or a Head Lock, or a Leg Sweep, or Throwing the Shield, or any number of creative ‘Fighting’ actions.

+ Blue: Total Failure, Evil Steve will most likely take an Automatic ‘Hit’ from his Enemy.
+ White: He reduces his Enemy’s attack by [-3CS]. He either partially ‘Dodged’ or ‘Blocked’
+ Green: He reduces his Enemy’s attack by [-5CS]. He either partially ‘Dodged’ or ‘Blocked’
+ Yellow: He reduces his Enemy’s attack by [-7CS] and may ‘Counter’ with a Green attack.
+ RED: He reduces his Enemy’s attack by [-9CS] and may ‘Counter’ with a Yellow attack.
+ Karma RED: Same as Natural RED, this also indicates a Full reversal and allows [+1CS] in the following round.

To derive multiple attacks and defense actions from a Single Fighting FEAT simply drop the Ones digit from the Rank Level, thus AM:50 or VI:55 Fighting is capable of executing 5 total moves per Game Round. Also, any associated Combat Talents in conjunction with the ‘Fighting’ Rank allows this Multiple Action Rule. OR the player may opt to utilize the associated Combat Talents to stack or gain [+ Shifts] to the FEAT roll while nullifying the Multiple Action Rule. Normally, stacking Talents is only allowed up to [+3CS].

Mobility Enhancements: Evil Steve’s general Mobility FEATs are handled on his FASERIP Ranks. Under normal MSH Rules he can execute the following FEATs for map mobility. (Mainly these are just ‘House’ Rules involving general game mechanics for a Character’s FASERIP)

+ Walk: 1 Area per Round, covering 10 to 12 Feet in 6 seconds. Evil Steve may ignore barriers of EC:15 grades or less based off his IM:25 Strength and obstacles which are 2 Ranks less than his Strength.

+ Running: 3 Areas per Round, covering about 25 to 30 feet in 6 seconds; This is running at about 3 to 5 MPH. Evil Steve may ignore barriers of EC:15 grades or less based off IM:25 Strength and obstacles which are 2 Ranks less. He can maintain his Running for about 3 and Half Hours (Endurance Rank, Drop the Zero)

+ Sprinting: 4 Areas per Round or about 40 Feet in about 6 seconds. (Derived from IN:40 Agility, Drop the Zero. This is about 6 MPH) He may sprint for 3.5 Game Rounds or roughly 21 Seconds. (Derived from FN:35 Endurance while Dropping the Zero)

+ Charge: 2 to 5 Areas per round covering 20 to 50 feet in a Game Round during a ‘Heated’ Rush; this is about 10 to 15 MPH. Since a ‘Charge’ is a ‘Combat’ maneuver Evil Steve’s distance while charging another Character is cut down, resulting in a 2 to 3 Area Movement. Instead of 6 seconds to deal with inanimate objects he is dealing with an animated Character who gets half the game round to ‘Defend’ himself.

Evil Steve can Inflict RM:30 Blunt Impact during a Charge; He will upgrade to IN:40 with his Shield and a RED FEAT Roll. Evil Steve may also use his ‘Charge’ as a means of ‘Dodging’ or ‘Charging’ away.

+ Swim: 2 Areas per Round. (About Half the speed of Running) He may hold his Breath for 3 and half Minutes or 35 Rounds. (1 Game Round = 6 seconds | 60 seconds in a minute = 10 Game Rounds in a minute | 3.5 Minutes = 210 seconds | 210 seconds / 6 second intervals = 35 Rounds)

+ Climb or Crawl: 1 Area per Round. He can Climb most rough surfaces, even upside down with EX:20 Grip.

+ Jump: 1 to 2 Area per Round, which can also be added at the end of ‘Sprint’ to clear a total of 5 to 6 Areas in a single Game Round. (Also notice a ‘Charge’ covers about the same amount of distance)

Mobility as a Means of Defense: Evil Steve may use his Agility to Dodge ‘Wide’ or ‘Long Dodge’ to completely avoid an enemy’s Melee or Range attack. Most of his mobility FEATs allow him to clear about 40 feet (4 Areas) in a single Game Round (IN:40 Agility, and drop the Zero). A long dodge will normally completely avoid or nullify most Melee Combat actions for both Evil Steve and his direct opposition. At which the two Characters have entered the following Game Round and Initiative should be determined by the situation at hand. Long Dodges or Wide Area Dodges can be fancy with lots of acrobatics and tumbling and ‘Dancing’ OR it can be as simple as ‘Running like HELL!!!!’


The Shield: Much like our Realm’s noble Captain America, Evil Steve also has a Shield made of an Adamantium / Vibranium alloy with Class 3000 material strength. He can use it to block, evade, or parry an attack to avoid damage, but he is still subject to stuns and slams. Used as a ‘Block’ action on his Strength Rank, Evil Steve is able to nullify MN:75 to SX:150 impact attacks. This Blocking power is derived from his Strength and Defense Ranks in multiples of 3, for Green, Yellow, and Red FEAT scores.

(IM:25 Strength X 3 = MN:75)
(Combined Average of Strength and Defense X 3 = 97.5 or Phenomenal 95)
(IN:40 Defense X 3 = GL:120)
(Up Shift to SX:150 with Karma induced Blocking)

+ Blue: Total Failure, Evil Steve will most likely take an Automatic ‘Hit’ from his Enemy.
+ White: He will nullify FR:70 Impact, but is subject to Stun AND Slam. A KILL is reduced to Stun OR Slam.
+ Green: He will nullify AS:80 Impact, but is subject to Stun OR Slam. A Lethal KILL is reduced to Slam only.
+ Yellow: He will nullify AW:90 Impact and nullify Stun and Slam effects. A Lethal KILL is reduced to a Stagger.
+ RED: He will nullify UN:100 Impact and nullify Stun and Slam effects. A Lethal KILL is reduced to a Stagger.
+ Karma RED: Same as Natural RED but he may up shift to Block a SX:150 intensity attack.

He can also throw the Shield 3 to 4 Areas for RM:30 Blunt damage and he may attack up to 3 targets with a Green Agility FEAT or 5 with a yellow FEAT By bouncing it off a number of hard surfaces. He receives an automatic [+1CS] to Throw the Shield with his IN:40 Agility Rank due to Talents. Thus, He basically throws it on his Fighting Rank. Creative Players and Judges may take this concept a step further to utilize the action as an ‘Evasion’ allowing Evil Steve to counter attack with a Thrown weapon while. The shield returns to him in the following round by boomerang effect or bouncing it from targets.

One main difference with Evil Steve’s Shield is his Shield also has a retractable Razor Ring fastened to the outer edge of the Shield. This allows Evil Steve to score lethal ‘KILL’ results with the Shield.

+ Blue: Total Failure, Evil Steve will not even Throw the Shield.
+ White: He threw the Shield but missed the intended Target. The Shield returns by boomerang effect.
+ Green: The hurled Shield ‘Hits’ with RM:30 Impact. (Basically, extending his ‘Punch’ 3 to 4 Areas)
+ Yellow: ‘Bulls-Eye’ with the Shield at RM:30 Impact. With Stun, Slam, or KILL effects.
+ RED: ‘Bulls-Eye’ on 3 to 5 Targets at RM:30 Impact, OR up shift the Damage to FN:35 to 1 or 2 targets.
+ Karma RED: Same as Natural RED.

Weapon Summoning: MN:75. Much like our Realm’s noble Captain America, Evil Steve also uses a ‘Photon’ Replication / Generator system, worn in his Right Glove to basically create hand held ‘Weapons’ and carry virtually any weapon he desires.

However, unlike our noble Captain America, Evil Steve chooses to carry a vast array of lethal weapons, from various Swords to hand held Firearms and even Explosives.

This system of Summoning Weapons is not fully understood. But for the players, the Weapons are ‘Replicated’ by manipulating ambient energy and forces to materialize physical and tangible items from molecular ‘Blue Prints’.

The Summoning process takes time to materialize a Weapon on command. His Summoned Weapons have an approximate stases period of 3 Hours (1800 Game Rounds) but he may dematerialize his weapons instantly. Or use this system to ‘Replace’ or ‘Repair’ a damaged Weapon. Evil Steve can only Summon about 40 different weapons since the computer system is self contained in his uniform. Evil Steve’s weapons can retain MN:75 material durability.

+ BLUE: Total Failure. He will not Summon a Weapon.... He needs to FEAT Roll in the next Round.
+ WHITE: Minor Success. The Weapon is coming in 1 to 10 Game Rounds.
+ GREEN: Success. The Weapon is coming in 1 to 5 Game Rounds.
+ YELLOW: Success. The Weapon is coming in the Next Game Round.
+ RED: Success. The Weapon instantly appears in his hand and is ready to use.

Melee Weapons: His Melee Weapons may reach AM:50 Damage and Impact due to him being able to ‘Swing’ almost any Melee Weapon with RM:30 Force behind it. If these Melee weapons are thrown he may inflict IN:40 Damage from about 40 to 50 feet (4 to 5 Areas) away.

He does use 5 specific Melee Weapons, which he will materialize and keep permanently solidified as part of his Uniform and Load Pack. Creative Players and Judges are allowed to modify these weapons, but Impact or Armor Piercing is maxed out at MN:75 by sacrificing other weapon properties down to IM:25 effects.

+ Whip or Chain: This rope like Weapon can reach a total length of 20 Feet.
+ Bo-Staff | Spear | Javelin: This is a 5-foot long Metal Rod with Blunt or Edged properties.
+ Double-Edge Bastard Sword. This Sword can change its blade length on command.
+ Ax or Hammer: Heavy Hitter weapons. Only allowed 1 action per Game Round at Full Impact.
+ Batons or Short Swords: Light Quick Blunt or Edged weapons with Multiple Hits per Game Round.

Range Weapons: Much like his Melee Weapons, Evil Steve can utilize his ‘Photon’ Replication / Generator system to create Guns and Shooting weapons. Evil Steve will normally carry these 2 ‘Guns’ in his possession at any given time. These weapons fire metallic projectiles, but can be modified to fire pure energy projectiles.

50 Caliber ‘Magnum’ Desert Eagle.

+ Single Shot: RM:30 Damage | Incur Stuns, 1 Area Slams, and Kills.
+ Burst Firing: RM:30 Damage X 3, 4, or 5 Bullets Fired. (30 X 3 or 4 or 5 = 90 or 120 or 150)
+ Full Auto Firing: Not available on these Pistols.
+ Armor Piercing: IN:40. Add [+1CS] for RED FEAT Scores.
+ Range: 300 to 350 Feet (30 to 35 Areas)
+ Multiple Targeting: [-1CS] for each additional Target up to 4 multiple targets within 90 degrees of sight line
+ Action FEAT Roll: Agility [+1CS] or Fighting Rank while within 3 Areas of his Target.
+ Special Feature of the Guns: Evil Steve usually has 2 of these and may use them both simultaneously.

Plasma Assisted M-16 Assault Rifle.

+ Single Shot: EX:20 Damage | Incur Stuns, No Slams, and Kills.
+ Burst Firing: EX:20 Damage X 4, 5, or 6 Bullets Fired. (20 X 4 or 5 or 6 = 80 or 100 or 120)
+ Full Auto Firing: EX:20 Damage X 8, 9, or 10 Bullets Fired. (20 X 8 or 9 or 10 = 160 or 180 or 200)
+ Armor Piercing: AM:50. at Green | SN:60 at Yellow | FR:70 at RED | AS:80 with a Karma RED.
+ Range: 500 to 600 Feet (50 to 60 Areas)
+ Multiple Targeting: [-1CS] for each additional Target up to 4 multiple targets within 90 degrees of sight line
+ Action FEAT Roll: Agility [+1CS] or Fighting Rank while within 5 Areas of his Target.

Armored Uniform: Evil Steve’s uniform is made of micro-chain mail with kevlar and polymer pads and parts.

EX:20 protection from heat, cold, and Energy based attacks.
GD:10 protection from edged and shooting attacks.
TY:06 protection to Blunt impact.

+ Vision Goggles: Provides protective Sunglasses and Night vision of EX:20.
+ Ear Phones built into the Cowl Hood provides radio frequency communications of EX:20.
+ Battery Pack for the Weapon Summoning system recharges by Evil Steve body movements.

The Motorcycle:

+ Control: [-1CS] from Fighting for ‘Drifting’
+ Speed: RM:30 for FEAT Rolls with a top speed of 140MPH in 3 Game Rounds.
+ Power: RM:30 for Towing and Payload. 120 Horsepower | 150 Torque at the rear wheel.
+ Fuel and Vital Systems: RM:30 with 200 Miles to a 4 gallon diesel fuel cell. 50 MPG.
+ Body and Chassis Construction: EX:20 to AM:50


Weapons Specialist | Shield | All Martial Arts | Artist | Leadership | Military | Acrobatics | Tumbling | Driving

Contacts and Assets:

‘EVIL’ Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thunderbolts, Redeemers.

HOLY SHIX.... A Seven Page Book.

www.TankerAce.com | www.Arcain.com | www.Viper99.com
Subject Author Views Posted

TankerAce Characters

TankerAce 209 January 26, 2008 12:17AM


TankerAce 60 February 04, 2008 01:47AM


TankerAce 42 February 10, 2008 03:12AM

Re: "M"

The Last Duskblade 15 February 10, 2008 05:47PM


TankerAce 29 February 17, 2008 04:22AM

Re: TankerAce Characters

RAGNARoK 12 February 17, 2008 02:49PM


TankerAce 29 February 22, 2008 01:36AM

Re: Dawg

Redman II 9 February 23, 2008 03:17PM

Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 11 February 23, 2008 06:28PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 8 February 23, 2008 07:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 6 February 23, 2008 09:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 6 February 24, 2008 03:09AM


TankerAce 22 February 27, 2008 03:13AM


TankerAce 19 March 03, 2008 02:14AM


TankerAce 11 March 12, 2008 04:06AM

'EVIL' Captain America >=)

TankerAce 17 March 15, 2008 12:36AM

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