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March 12, 2008 04:06AM

Distinguishing Physical Features:

Aside from his Uniform, Seven does not really have any outstanding physical features. He’s short, only standing a few inches above five foot tall; but he is very athletically conditioned and considerably strong for his stature. Seven’s uniform is a common designed ‘sports’ uniform of the N.E.G. Sanctioned Combat Tournaments. His uniform number ‘51’ holds relevance to him from his hometown. Roswell, New Mexico. (aka Area 51). Seven rarely dresses in any other attire. He has about 20 different Combat Tournament uniforms, which have slight variances of color and decals.


Seven was born in the 27th Century, when the World was a chaotic War Zone. To make matters more complex, his hometown of Roswell, New Mexico was a prime target for many enemies of the U.S. And the rumors, which surround the neighboring Air Force base known as Area 51, and the Alien encounters that supposedly took place during the 1940’s and 50’s.

Seven was literally born in a terrorist commandeered hospital, where about 500 town’s people were being held hostage by a group of Rouge U.S. Soldiers. His mother had such difficulty during childbirth that she died soon after Seven was born. For several weeks the Rouge Soldiers held Seven, his Father, and many others captive. But Seven’s Father managed to escape with his infant son.

As years passed, Seven did not attend traditional ‘School’ since his entire Town; and just about every other part of the U.S. was constantly under siege during the 27th Century. Seven grew up learning to build bombs and weapons and many other nasty tools from his Father and the surviving Town’s Folk of Roswell. Literature, Science, Mathematics, Academics, and Sports were ‘Combat’ oriented.

Seven’s father died when Seven reached his adolescence, and his hometown community raised Seven as their own. As Seven matured into a young adult, a few people noticed Seven was a little ‘Quicker’ than most. But it was not perceived as an outstanding ability since he was raised under such War Mongering conditions. His speed and quickness was simply means of survival.

But Seven did indeed have an extraordinary mutant ability, Superior Speed. And as he used this ability to serve his community and survival needs, his power also grew to exceptional capabilities.

Seven received his unusual nickname for running from Roswell to Miami, from Miami to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to New York and returning to Roswell in seven days. After 15 years of going by ‘Seven’ he sort of forgot his True Birth name.

As Seven became an adult he found himself fighting in the N.E.G. Sanctioned Tournaments; using his Speed as superior battle tactic. After some time in the Tournaments, Seven actually took the Grand Champion Title. But he did not hold it for long as an extra terrestrial creature known as Nali defeated him.

Upon Seven’s defeat, he was emotionally crashed as no other Tournament Fighters had ever matched his combination of speed, agility and tactics. Where Nali had defeated Seven rather easily, and Nali’s meager appearance does not match his capabilities.

Seven was so distraught that he asked Nali to take him under wing and teach him. Nali accepted Seven’s proposal and Seven was admitted into the VIPER Clan.

Life Style: Seven lives in any one of Viper-Xan’s seven Temples. Normally, Seven travels from Temple to Temple as a means of touring; such as Politicians would tour to promote new political propaganda. But Seven is all about promoting the N.E.G. Sanctioned Combat Tournaments. The entire “Tournament” is a global entertainment industry and often, recognizable combatants become famous ‘Stars’ and Celebrities.

Personality: Seven is fairly young and for the most part he is an adrenaline junky. Risky stunts, wild times, and very little social restraint are normally his emotional standpoints. He’s very outgoing and is not shy about most things. He does lack a little luster from the discipline and conservative angles.

In Combat, Seven is sort of Flashy and to a degree he’s ‘Cocky’ due to his Power over Speed. He knows he’s faster than most, but he has locked horns with many who were able to nullify his speed.

Known Physical Powers:

Hyper-Speed: MN:75. Seven can increase the fundamental Speed of his body and mind at will. This Power allows him a number of various Power Stunts and branch Powers. Seven must make a MN:75 FEAT roll of White or Better to engage his Hyper-Speed Power. Once the Power is engaged Seven can maintain his Hyper-Speed without penalty for approximately 24 hours (About 9000 Game Rounds). When Seven’s Hyper-Speed is not engaged he is still very fast, and should be considered as having RM:30 Hyper-Speed.

For the most part, Seven’s Hyper-Speed will provide him the following Power Stunts, which he may use without penalty.

Athletic and Psychological Enhancements: Seven’s FASERIP operates at roughly [+3CS] to [+5CS] for just about any FEAT of activity he may take due to his Hyper-Speed. Without his Hyper-Speed Power Seven’s FASERIP would be borderline on ‘Peak’ Human levels. His increased Health and Karma are reflected in his FASERIP since he can not shut his Hyper-Speed Power completely ‘OFF’.

This list of FASERIP is what he’d have without his Hyper-Speed Power.

F: RM:30
A: FN:35
S: GD:10
E: IM:25
R: GD:10
I: IN:40
P: IM:25

Health: 100
Karma: 75

Mobility Enhancements: Seven’s general Mobility FEATs are handled on his TR:85 Agility Rank.

+ Running: Seven can reach speeds in excess of 400-MPH while running on foot, allowing him to cover about 350 Areas per Game Round. He can maintain such an exertion of Running for approximately 20 to 40 minutes (200 to 400 Game Rounds) without Endurance FEATs. If Seven did not have his Hyper-Speed Power, this would be equivalent to him Running for a duration of nearly 3 Hours. He can accelerate to such speeds in 1 Game Round.

+ Sprinting: Seven can achieve roughly 600-MPH during a Sprint. He can cover about 500 Areas per Game Round. He can maintain a Sprint Run for approximately 2 to 3 Minutes (20 to 30 Game Rounds). Used as a ‘Charge’ attack he can inflict VI:55 impacts. However, he will not attempt to ‘Charge’ into stronger obstacles than AM:50, as he may injure himself. He can accelerate to such speeds in 1 Game Round.

+ Swim or Water Running: He can run atop of water maintaining roughly 300-MPH speeds. He can also ‘Swim’ in a traditional fashion at nearly equal speeds. Water Mobility will effect his FEAT rolls by [-2CS]. Seven can hold his breath for about 2 Minutes at his normal speeds. With his Hyper-Speed Power ‘ON’ he can only hold his breath for about 2 Game Rounds.

+ Climbing and Falling: Seven can ‘Run’ up a vertical surface for approximately 20 to 30 Areas. Due to his Hyper-Speed Power he can resist terminal velocity falls with little to no effort at all. At maximum terminal velocity (about 600 MPH) he can use his Hyper-Speed Power to reduce his approach angle, allowing him to ‘Curve’ out of a free fall.

+ Jump: 10 to 15 Area per Round.

Armor and Damage Resistance: Seven has two sources of Armor; His Uniform and his Body.

Tough Flesh: GD:10. Seven’s skin, muscles, guts and skeleton are highly conditioned to render GD:10 Armor verse almost all known attacks, even magic. More resilient parts of his flesh, such as his Skeleton are considered as EC:15 Durability; While soft tissues provide AA:08 Flesh Armor. Seven’s body has gained this level of Armor due to his running and speed, thus his skin should also be considered as having RM:30 resistance to heat, cold, friction, and wind based attacks.

Seven’s Uniform: This provides EX:20 Armor to most attacks as traditional ‘Armor’. The uniform is specifically designed to resist friction, wind resistance, heat, and cold to a tolerance of AW:90.

Regeneration: RM:30. Seven has gained Cellular Regeneration due to his speed as well. His entire body metabolism is sped up allowing him heal quickly. However, this is also stabilized his body functions allowing him to age at a ‘Normal’ human rate.

Under most conditions Seven will recover 3 to 4 HP per game round after suffering an injury regardless of his activity. He can also boost his healing with Endurance FEATs to recover more HP in a single game round. He is able to re-grow many soft tissues. But he can reattach a severed limb or re-grow a limb without medical attention. Fortunately, medical practices of the 27th and 28th century are quite advanced.

+ BLUE: Total Failure, recover 4 HP for that Round.
+ WHITE: Minor Failure, recover 6 to 8 HP for that Round.
+ GREEN: Recover 49 HP for that Round.
+ YELLOW: Recover 98 HP for that Round.
+ RED: Recover 146 HP for that Round.

Pistols: Seven does use a pair of high caliber Pistols, which are specifically designed to match his speed. These pistols operate like tiny Rail Guns to shoot magnetically charged metal darts or photon energy at near light speed velocity. As well, they are designed with a Full Auto Firing function allowing him to use them like miniature machine guns.

A single Bullet from the pistols inflicts EX:20 Damage, but can pierce SX:150 Barriers and Armor. His targeting range is also greatly improved to nearly 1000 feet (100 Areas) due to the sheer muzzle velocity of the Bullet. Seven uses these Pistols on his unaided Agility rank. Due to his trigger speed he can fire off 10 to 15 Bullets per Game Round with out penalty.

+ BLUE: He will not even fire the Guns.
+ WHITE: He fires 3 to 4 Bullets but misses the intended target. (EX:20 X 3 or 4 = 60 to 80 Damage)
+ GREEN: He hits the Target with 3 to 4 Bullets, but fired 5 to 8. (EX:20 X 3 or 4 = 60 to 80 Damage)
+ YELLOW: Bull’s eye with 5 to 8 Bullets. (EX:20 X 5 or 8 = 100 to 160 Damage)
+ RED: Bull’s eye with 8 to 10 Bullets. (EX:20 X 8 or 10 = 160 to 200 Damage)
+ Karma RED: Bull’s eye with 10 to 15 Bullets. (EX:20 X 10 or 15 = 200 to 300 Damage)


Firearms and Shooting Weapons | Explosives and Demolitions | Total Navigation | Desert Survival | Ocean Survival | Jungle Survival | Ariel Combat | Resist Domination | Crisis Management | Cult Lore: Combat Tribes | Climbing | Tumbling | Tracking | Martial Arts B,D,E | Stealth |

Contacts and Assets:

The Viper Clan. This is a networked ‘Tribe’ of Space Tournament Fighters of 27th and 28th Century Earth. A Single Member named Viper-Xan heads this ‘VIPER’ Clan as the Social Leader. And it is suggested that the VIPER Clan is merely a section platoon as part of a massive brigade.

Below is a list of persons Viper can contact... (This Characters will be Written-up posted here at Classic Marvel).

Viper-Xan is the Clan leader and has set forth 7 section leaders in a strict leadership hierarchy.
Kommander: This Guy is very Similar to Viper, but much, much stronger and has 50 Clones of himself.
Nali: This Guy is an Alien Creature and is possibly the VIPER Clan’s strongest individual member.
Ivan Guard Necro: This Guy is a Human, like Viper, but has far greater experience than Viper himself.
Brock: This Guy is another Human, like Viper. And has nearly identical powers and abilities.
Kreiger: This Guy is an Extra Terrestrial Creature. Vastly strong and a talented space pilot.
Dawg: This Guy is Human, but extremely Mutated.
Krome: This Guy is a Human Mutant, but he Rivals Nali as the VIPER Clan’s strongest individual member.
M: This Guy is a Human. Most of his Powers are based from the VIPER Mother Ship.
Cobra: This Guy is another Human, like Viper. And has nearly identical powers and abilities.
Python: This Guy is another Human, like Viper. And has nearly identical powers and abilities.
Rattler: This Guy is another Human, like Viper. And has nearly identical powers and abilities.
Snake: This Guy is another Human, like Viper. And has nearly identical powers and abilities.

HOLY SHIX.... A Four Page Book. | |
Subject Author Views Posted

TankerAce Characters

TankerAce 209 January 26, 2008 12:17AM


TankerAce 60 February 04, 2008 01:47AM


TankerAce 42 February 10, 2008 03:12AM

Re: "M"

The Last Duskblade 15 February 10, 2008 05:47PM


TankerAce 29 February 17, 2008 04:22AM

Re: TankerAce Characters

RAGNARoK 12 February 17, 2008 02:49PM


TankerAce 29 February 22, 2008 01:36AM

Re: Dawg

Redman II 9 February 23, 2008 03:17PM

Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 11 February 23, 2008 06:28PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 8 February 23, 2008 07:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 6 February 23, 2008 09:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 6 February 24, 2008 03:09AM


TankerAce 22 February 27, 2008 03:13AM


TankerAce 19 March 03, 2008 02:14AM


TankerAce 11 March 12, 2008 04:06AM

'EVIL' Captain America >=)

TankerAce 17 March 15, 2008 12:36AM

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