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March 03, 2008 02:14AM

Distinguishing Physical Features:

Aside from his Uniform, which is often associated with the Communist Axis Powers of the ancient World Wars, Brock does not have any outstanding physical features. Without his Uniform, he is very muscular and physically conditioned for both strength and speed. He is not a huge man; standing just under six feet tall, but his muscular build appears to be more refined than normal. Plain and simple, he’s yoked like a Freight Train.

While Brock is handsome, he has a somewhat ‘Brutish’ appearance. He grooms with a simple clean-shaven face and tightly cropped crew cut. But his hair is balding, like many middle age men. Brock’s uniform normally appears professionally cleaned and tailored. But he will get ‘Dirty’ at moment’s notice.


Brock was born in the 27th Century, when the World was a chaotic War Zone. During this bleak time frame of Humanity’s History, Brock entered his childhood as a renegade Soldier. However, he witnessed the demise of his entire family at the hands of Enemy Soldiers. He fled the scene of his burning home in terror. But soon he was captured by a platoon of US Marine Corp Soldiers.

These Marines protected Brock for a short duration, and he was so inspired that he enlisted in the US Marine Corp at a very young age. Due to the death of his biological family, the Marines who found Brock took responsibility as surrogate parents and allowed Brock to enlist. Besides, had the official US Marine Corp not taken Brock as a recruit, the Soldiers he was with would have trained him.

Before Brock was in his adolescence he was Physically and Psychologically conditioned into lean, mean, Infantry Soldier. During this brief stint of his childhood his Mutant Powers began to develop into fruition. He was considerably stronger, faster, smarter, and more driven than most men who were in their prime. Brock was then admitted into a secret section of the US Military. Here, he was medically and psychologically examined, and Brock did have advanced ‘mutated’ human DNA.

Many other exams were conducted to refine and build his mutant gifts. The Military had regiments of young people who all displayed various gifts. And Brock was with these people. He learned to control his powers and use them as weapons. As Brock came into young Adulthood, he was deployed to the front lines as a young commissioned officer.

However, Brock spent too long on the fighting lines. His soul and emotions became cold and bitter. And he became a merciless assassin. While the US Military did not generally support this direction in his growth, the N.E.G. did indeed. Brock was a perfect candidate for the Tournament Bouts, which pitted combatants in an absolutely ‘No Holds Barred’ combat arena. Every conceivable tactic of ‘War’ was litigate and encouraging for these Tournaments of Death. Thus, Brock was transferred from the U.S. Military over to Viper-Xan.

Known Physical Powers:

Psychics | Telekinesis | Telepathy: Phenomenal 95. Brock has Psychic abilities for both Melee and Range based combat tactics. To a degree, this power can operate similar to ‘Magic’ spells as it allows Brock to manipulate and even generate energies and forces in his general vicinity. He has mastered countless Power Stunts with this ability, and most of his other powers are derived from his Psychic capability.

Brock’s Telekinetic abilities are projected in a wide range of fashions. By default, his Psychic power will pulse outward from his body as a ‘Globe’ or ‘Spherical’ bubble. He can focus his Psychic Telekinesis into a trajectory form, and pretty much, any pattern between Sphere, Scatter, and Focused beams. Below is a list of general physics to his Psychic Telekinesis.

+ Damage | Impact | Intensity: Blue or White = AS:80 | Green = TR:85 | Yellow = AW:90 | RED = PH:95
+ Range as a ‘Sphere’ is 10 Feet (1 Area) away from him as the epicenter, reaching 2 Areas in full diameter.
+ Range as a beam or projectile is up to about 70 to 100 feet (7 to 10 Areas)
+ He can manipulate such energies as electricity, temperature, kinetic, magnetic, gravity, and others.
+ With his Psychic Powers released as a Sphere the ‘TO-HIT’ is considered an automatic Yellow FEAT score.
+ Most other pattern FEAT rolls are made with his Psyche Rank for targeting.

Some Common utilities and Power Stunts with his Telekinesis.

+ Cast beams or missals of energy or force (Fire | Ice | Heat | Cold | Gravity | Electricity | EMP | Light | Kinetic)
+ Teleport (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Increase FASE (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Render an Armored sheath (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Render Flight (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Render Regeneration (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Render a verity of Weapons (covered more in depth with his powers)
+ Increase or Decrease a physical weapon’s potential of Damage.
+ Render various ‘Magic’ Spells.

(Player and Judge Note: For complex power stunts, FEAT rolls are made with his ‘Experience’ Rank of SP:45 to determine if he has done the FEAT in the past, or has not used the Power Stunt in a while)

Brock’s Telepathy is not quite as developed as his Telekinesis. It still operates on the PH:95 Rank. But he can’t use as many utility functions or power stunts with his Telepathy. For the most part, his Telepathy allows him a simulated form of Precognition by being able to anticipate probability fields to his advantage; also known as ‘Miraculous Luck’. He is only able to use this power while dealing with sentient and cognitive life forms. This pretty much includes ANY organic creature or robot with Reason, Intuition, Psyche, and Karma attributes.

When the pair of 10 sided-dice are rolled for Brock they read the high dice first, regardless of the Game Judge’s pre-determined Dice order.

If the player Rolls double digits, such as 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, and so forth the Game Judge should secretly roll a single 10 Sided Dice to determine ‘Bad’ | ‘Neutral’ | ‘Good’ Luck for Brock.

+ Bad Luck is a 1, 2, or 3 on the Judge’s secret single dice roll: Thus subtract 10, 20, or 30 from the double digits.
+ Neutral Luck is a 4, 5, or 6 on the Judge’s secret single dice roll: Calculate FEAT as a normal double digit Roll.
+ Good Luck is a 7, 8, 9, or 0 on the Judge’s secret single dice roll: Thus add 7, 8, 9, or 10 to the double digits.

Telekinetic Armored Sheath: Phenomenal 95 for FEAT rolls. Brock has learned to keep a protective Energy Sheath around himself at ALL times, even during Sleep, Rest or ‘Stuns’. His Sheath of energy remains about One Nanometer over the surface of his skin and is completely invisible to the naked eye. Every square inch of his flesh is covered, even his eyes, ears, nose, and other orifices. Basically, this gives him a form of True Invulnerability from virtually all known attacks, damage, magic or injury.

The Sheath is detectable by certain surveillance equipment and extra sensory perception abilities.

The only time he lowers this Sheath is during Rest-Room visits, when he eats, or the VERY, VERY occasional rarity of sexual intimacy. And Female Assassins have foiled him in the past. The Sheath is also covering his internal organs, and to a small degree his clothing and attire.

He can FEAT roll on the PH:95 Rank to increase his sheath’s protective ‘Armor’ which is considered AS:80 by default. If he is ‘Stunned’ or Attacked with a Lethal ‘KILL’ score his Body and Mind will go into a mild form of medical Shock and the Sheath will immediately reach UN:100 Armor and True Invulnerability. Plus, his Sheath transmits a ‘Tazer’ type of Neural Stun at AS:80 Intensity with touch contact.

He will need to roll a Yellow Psyche FEAT to lower it’s strength. Otherwise all his Psychic Effort and Energy is focused on ‘Protection’.

+ Blue: AS:80 Armor or True Invulnerability.
+ White: TR:85 Armor or True Invulnerability.
+ Green: AW:90 Armor or True Invulnerability.
+ Yellow: PH:95 Armor or True Invulnerability.
+ RED: UN:100 Armor or True Invulnerability.
+ Karma RED: GL:125 Armor or True Invulnerability.

Uniform: EC:15. Brock’s uniform also acts as ‘Armor’ to most conventional Attacks and Damage. The Sunglasses provide RM:30 night vision and protection from intense brightness.

Telekinetic Increase of FASE: Phenomenal 95 for FEAT rolls. Brock can boost his FASE stats to a maximum of [+5CS] to his FASE. His Health does not reflect the boost, but he has no after effects while using this Power Stunt. He can maintain the boosted FASE for a duration based on his FEAT roll. While using this Power Stunt, his other Psychic Power Stunts are FEAT rolled on the SP:45 Rank.

+ Blue: Failed, No Boost to FASE.
+ White: Boost FASE by [+1CS]..... (F: SV :65) (A: FN :35) (S: FN :35) (E: VI :55)... Duration = 40 to 50 Rounds.
+ Green: Boost FASE by [+2CS]..... (F: FR :70) (A: IN :40) (S: IN :40) (E: SN :60)... Duration = 30 to 40 Rounds.
+ Yellow: Boost FASE by [+3CS]....(F: MN :75) (A: SP :45) (S: SP :45) (E: SV :65)... Duration = 20 to 30 Rounds.
+ RED: Boost FASE by [+4CS]....... (F: AS :80) (A: AM :50) (S: AM :50) (E: FR :70)... Duration = 10 to 20 Rounds.
+ Karma RED: Boost FASE by [+5CS]..... (F: TR :85) (A: VI :55) (S: VI :55) (E: MN :75)... Duration = 1 to 10 Rounds.

Melee Weaponry: His Psychic Powers allow him to have a great deal of advantages for Melee Combat. With simple skin to skin contact his Sheath transmits a ‘Tazer’ style Neural Stun of AS:80 Intensity. Or he may choose to read the person’s thoughts. His unarmed attacks are based upon his current FASE Attributes, allowing him RM:30 Blunt Striking and Grappling Impact for most melee attacks. He can also transmit the ‘Tazer’ effect through most conventional Melee weapons, such as Swords, Shields, Spears, etc....

Mobility Enhancements: Brock can achieve True Flight and Levitation of PH:95 speed and aerial control. He can fly at roughly 600 MPH at Top Speed, allowing him to clear about 5200 to 5300 Areas per Game Round. He can accelerate to his top speeds in about 3 Game Rounds. Used as a ‘Charge’ Attack Brock may inflict SX:150 Damage to a target. Destruction is about SP:45 since he can punch a hole the size of his body.

While his Flight gives him quite an advantage for game play, the Game Judge is allowed to place limitations on his Flight to balance the game in relation to other Characters. Often the limitation is Levitation rather than full-fledged Flight. Brock may still utilize the ‘Normal’ Walk, Run, Swim abilities, but instead of touching surfaces he simply Levitates.

+ Walk: 4 Areas per Round. Levitating just inches from the floor or ground.
+ Run: 6 Areas per Round. He will not get exhausted through exertion.
+ Sprint: 10 Areas per Round. He will not get exhausted through exertion.
+ Full Speed (horizontal) Flight: 5200 to 5300 Areas per Game Round.
+ Swim: Speed is reduced by [-1CS]. He can hold his breath for about 5 hours.
+ Climb or Crawl: 4 Areas per Round. (Yeah, Redundant... But he may need to ‘Sneak’)
+ Jumping is irrelevant, but he can Jump or Leap about 1 to 2 Areas in a single bound.

Teleportation: SP:45. (I know, Why even Fly) But Brock has mastered the ability to Teleport with his Psychic Powers. He can dematerialize his body and re-materialize in another space nearly instantly. He may also ‘Carry’ about 500 Pounds of mass with him. His Teleportation operates a little differently than Marvel’s Night-Crawler.

Brock does not have to ‘look’ or Target where he Teleports. When Brock Teleports a 3 to 4 foot wide bubble will form his landing area, which will dematerialize solid obstacles up to MN:75 Material. Allowing Brock to simply land on his feet, or in a kneeling stance. Brock can Teleport about 100 feet (10 Areas) from one location to another. He must FEAT roll a Yellow or RED to Teleport.

If used as a Weapon Brock can score ‘KILL’ results with a Yellow ‘Grab’ or ‘Grapple’ FEAT. And ‘Stuns’ with a Green. This is also considered as Molecular Disintegration. While his Teleportation gives Brock a considerable advantage for game play, the Game Judge is allowed to place limitations on his Teleportation to balance the game. Often the limitation is simple Area movement.

Regeneration: AM:50. This power is augmented through his Psychic Powers during Teleportation. Brock can recover a maximum of 50 HP during Teleportation. He only needs to FEAT roll a Green as well. Brock has been able to maintain his youth and medical needs with this Power Stunt.

Reversed Karma: Notice Brock’s Morality; He is ‘EVIL’ and he will earn Karma if he ‘KILLS’ a sentient creature he perceives as his mortal enemy. However, getting on his hit list requires an enemy to nearly ‘KILL’ Brock. If another Character uses ‘Lethal’ force against Brock, that Character is on his ‘KILL’ List.

Brock will ‘KILL’ or Assassinate for financial gain, but often He will resort to ‘Recruitment’ of a given ‘Mark’ into his VIPER Clan; If the ‘Marked’ Character has sufficient skills.

Most other Karma based aspects of MSH will effect Brock’s Karma normally.

Brock’s Talents:

Clairvoyance, Brock can learn ANY talent and be masterful at the talent with a Yellow Psyche FEAT. He can continue to use a single Talent until he needs to learn a ‘New’ Talent. This normally allows Brock to utilize virtually ANY abilities at [+1CS]

His ‘Common’ Talents are already permanently mastered, rendering [+2CS]

Total Navigation | Martial Arts ABCDE | Stealth | Tumbling | Power Weight Lifting | Weapons Master | Hazardous Environment Survival | Confinement Escape | Battle Ship Command | Reversed Karma | Aerial Combat | Infiltration | Collective Social Science | Psychology | Physics | Emotion Control | Resist Domination | Leadership | Military | First Aid and General Medical Attention

Contacts and Assets:

The Viper Clan. This is a networked ‘Tribe’ of Space Tournament Fighters of 27th and 28th Century Earth. A Single Member named Viper-Xan heads this ‘VIPER’ Clan as the Social Leader. And it is suggested that the VIPER Clan is merely a section platoon as part of a massive brigade.

Below is a list of people Brock can contact... (These Characters will be Written-up posted here at Classic Marvel).

Viper-Xan is the Clan leader who has set forth 7 section leaders in a strict leadership hierarchy.
Kommander: This Guy is mainly a ‘Warrior’ type Character. His Body is actually a Space Ship.
Nali: This Guy is an Extra Terrestrial Creature and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Ivan Guard Necro: This Guy is a Human and has vast intelligence.
Seven: This Guy is another Human, His powers are focused on Speed.
Kreiger: This Guy is another Human and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Dawg: This Guy is an Mutant Creature. Vastly strong and a talented fighter.
Krome: This Guy is Human Mutant, Vastly strong and a talented Fighter.
“M” : This Guy is a Human Cyborg with technological based powers.
Viper: This Guy is a Human, and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Cobra: This Guy is a Human, and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Python: This Guy is a Human, and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Rattler: This Guy is a Human, and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.
Snake: This Guy is a Human, and has ‘Warrior’ based powers and abilities.

HOLY SHIX.... A Five Page Book, but this guy is Psychic. | |
Subject Author Views Posted

TankerAce Characters

TankerAce 209 January 26, 2008 12:17AM


TankerAce 60 February 04, 2008 01:47AM


TankerAce 42 February 10, 2008 03:12AM

Re: "M"

The Last Duskblade 15 February 10, 2008 05:47PM


TankerAce 29 February 17, 2008 04:22AM

Re: TankerAce Characters

RAGNARoK 12 February 17, 2008 02:49PM


TankerAce 29 February 22, 2008 01:36AM

Re: Dawg

Redman II 9 February 23, 2008 03:17PM

Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 11 February 23, 2008 06:28PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 8 February 23, 2008 07:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

TankerAce 6 February 23, 2008 09:22PM

Re: Thanks, all three; LDB, Ragnarok, and Red……

Nightmask 6 February 24, 2008 03:09AM


TankerAce 22 February 27, 2008 03:13AM


TankerAce 19 March 03, 2008 02:14AM


TankerAce 11 March 12, 2008 04:06AM

'EVIL' Captain America >=)

TankerAce 17 March 15, 2008 12:36AM

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