Santa's Stats for Taarna

Posted by Nightmask 
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Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 10:02AM
Public Identity: Santa Clause
Aliases: Kris Kringle, La Pere De Noel, Cinter Klaus, Father Christmas, others.

Power Category: Originally Normal Human, reborn as Cosmic Entity embodying the spirit of giving

Fighting: Typical (6)

Agility: Excellent (20)

Strength: Excellent (20)

Endurance: CL1000 (1000)

Reason: Excellent (20)

Intuition: Monstrous (75)

Psyche: CL1000 (1000)

Health: 1046

Karma: Unlimited

Resources CL1000

Popularity: 100 with those who believe


Spirit of Christmas: CL1000 As the embodiment of the spirit of giving Santa Claus has the CL1000 ability to channel this belief into a variety of effects, including but not limited to the following:

-Time Control: Santa can manipulate time with CL1000 ability, allowing him to deliver all his toys within a single night across any planet that believes in him.

-Teleport-Self: Santa uses this power in order to enter any structure in order to deliver his gifts to the good little boys and girls.

-Hyper-Consumption: This power allows Santa to consume all the tributes left out for him in appreciation of his delivery, normally milk and cookies.

-Cosmic Awareness: CL1000 awareness of the cosmos, primarily used to know who's been naughty and who's been nice.

-Linguistics: Santa can speak any and all languages with CL1000 ability.

-Redemption: Santa has been known to use this power on occasion to redeem criminals who aren't totally lost to evil who use his image in order to commit crimes. As has been seen in Spider-man on one occasion he used this power in order to redeem a burglar. When doing so he normally gives them a normal bag of handcrafted toys to give out while waiting to turn himself and all his stolen goods over to the authorities.

-Immortality: Santa Claus no longer ages and is immortal, his life force sustained by the Spirit of Christmas. So long as someone somewhere believes he cannot die, and if some force were to seemingly slay him he will either be reborn or his slayer will be possessed by the Spirit of Christmas and remade into the new Father Christmas.

-Unlimited Karma: So long as there is belief in him Santa has access to an infinite amount of karma, so long as it is spent in some fashion, directly or indirectly, as part of his task as Father Christmas.

-Total Memory: Santa has CL1000 recall of everything about someone that applies to his roll as Santa Claus. Examples include all good and bad deeds someone has committed and all the toys and things wished for on every Christmas by everyone on a planetary scope.

-Artifact/Mechanical/Elemental/Molecular Creation: If confronted with a situation where he has a need for it (such as confronting someone who might be turned from evil by it), Santa may materialize any gift desired by someone that somehow failed to get delivered while he or she was younger, save for weapons or other harmful items. These objects are automatically permanent, no feat roll required for duration.

Note: If something weakens the spirit of Christmas Santa will suffer a -1CS to all powers, Endurance, and Psyche cumulative for each week this effect is ongoing, down to feeble power rank for all power stunts, Excellent Endurance, and Excellent Psyche. These lost ranks are regained at a rate of 1CS per turn once the belief that sustains him is restored, until returning to their previous levels.


While most of Santa's talents have yet to be revealed, it can be reasoned that he has Pilot-Reindeer driven sleigh, Business/Finance, Leadership, History (all during the time he's been alive), and Religion. He also can be very persuasive, using his knowledge about someone's past in order to fan their Christmas spirit if it's been lost or buried somehow, or to get them to aid him during times when his powers are weakened due to growing cynicism and disbelief.


Santa's Bag: This seemingly innocuous large red velvet bag opens up onto a pocket dimension of CL1000 proportions, capable of storing all the toys Santa spreads across the world for the good boys and girls. He never needs to hunt around for any toy as it is automatically within easy reach whenever he reaches within, as the bag responds to his thoughts and moves the desired toy to the top.

Santa's Sleigh: Body-Unearthly Control-Unearthly Speed-CL1000 Protection-None. Santa's sleigh appears like a normal, albet elaborate, winter sleigh drawn by eight reindeer, with room up front for as many as 2 passengers along with Santa, with the back taken up by his Bag. As a result of its mystical properties it can land upon and take off from any surface, including snow and ice-slicked roofs, with CL1000 ability.

Headquarters: Santa has a manufacturing facility somewhere near the North Pole, concealed by a CL1000 ranked illusion that makes the facility blend in with the surroundings and subtly diverts anyone who comes nearby around it. Only those invited or somehow powerful enough to piece the illusion are capable of entering.

Elves: Santa is served by a variety of small humanoids called elves, who serve as the production staff for his manufacturing plant. Sustained by the Spirit of Christmas they are endlessly cheerful and happily toil away for him. A typical Elf's stats are below.

Fighting: Poor (4)

Agility: Good (10)

Strength: Excellent (20)

Endurance: Remarkable (30)

Reason: Good (10)

Intuition: Good (10)

Psyche: Amazing (50)

Health: 64

Karma: 70

Resources: Unearthly

Popularity: 75 for those who believe.


Hyper Invention: Amazing ability to comprehend/design/repair/create anything desired.

Mrs. Claus

Fighting: Poor (4)

Agility: Excellent (20)

Strength: Typical (6)

Endurance: Unearthly (100)

Reason: Excellent (20)

Intuition: Monstrous (75)

Psyche: Unearthly (100)

Health: 130

Karma: 195

Resources: CL1000

Popularity: 90 to those who believe


Mrs. Claus is not known to have any powers, save those extended to her as part of her support role for her husband. The only obvious ones is that she partakes of the same immortality as her husband, as well as the ability to comprehend and communicate in any language. She is also likely well versed in the crafts and helps with the toy production when not tending to the duties of hearth and home.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 10:14AM
I so gotta use this guy for a game session after Christmas. It'll be fun. VERY nice work Nightmask.


1. Computer Slang. an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message, as an e-mail or newsgroup post.
-verb (used without object)

2. Computer Slang. to send an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message.
-verb (used with object)

3. Computer Slang. to insult or criticize angrily in an electronic message.
-Verb phrase

4. *Flaming, flamer* and *flamboyant* are potentially pejorative adjectives for a gay man or LGBT person whose behavior is reflected in a stereotypical flamboyancy, manner or style (see also gay culture and camp) but also refers to anyone seen as showy, outrageous, eccentric or unique stylistically
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 10:25AM
Thanks for the compliment Ragnarok, had fun writing him up. Since he's an official part of the Marvel Universe I wonder if he ought to be in the Good Guy roster for the site? :) If I could have remembered any other references I'd have included them, as I'm sure in the Marvel Universe he likely exists under other aliases on other worlds (although likely has only a tiny following with types like the Kree and Skrulls, since they've lost or never had that spirit of giving to nourish him). Let me know how the game goes if/when you use him. :)
Quick tweak/addition
December 24, 2006 10:56AM
Left off the Material Strength of Santa's Bag, which as a result of its enchanted nature is effectively a CL1000 material and effectively indestructable. Santa's Cosmic Awareness also alerts him to any threats to Christmas and the Spirit of Giving. This awareness can sometimes be a limitation as the cynicism and disbelief sometimes overwhelms him and he becomes jaded and wishes to give up, until someone rekindles his belief or some drastic event jumpstarts his drive to defend Christmas. He must make a Psyche feat against the intensity of disbelief in order to resist the initial apathy it instills within him, and another to rekindle it under the appropriate conditions.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 11:47AM
Well, I'm running a 2999 future campaigne with a anti-hero merc group and I thought it would be cool to have it rotate around Christmas. I'm thinking that my mercs will get drawn into a situation that will test their presonal values, even a merc knows how to enjoy christmas and put aside their dark tendancies. I thought it would be cool to keep some Santa imposterious (Yes I said Imposterious) villians from either closing down or blowing up a homeless shelter, save a little girl from being hit by a truck during a chase. Make them do good things unknowingly while keeping gameplay intense in order to keep them from noticing and have good o'Saint Nick watching and perhaps influencing outcomes to keep things going in the right direction. Then have my mercs show up at their base only to find a sleigh parked topside. They rush inside packing heat only find confusion when someone had put up a christmas tree and load it with presents from forgotten Christmas wishes. And have them stumble upon Saint Nick just as he's about to leave with his index finger to one side of his nose while giving a wink, Saint Nick vanishes before their eyes in a swirl storm of magical glint.


1. Computer Slang. an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message, as an e-mail or newsgroup post.
-verb (used without object)

2. Computer Slang. to send an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message.
-verb (used with object)

3. Computer Slang. to insult or criticize angrily in an electronic message.
-Verb phrase

4. *Flaming, flamer* and *flamboyant* are potentially pejorative adjectives for a gay man or LGBT person whose behavior is reflected in a stereotypical flamboyancy, manner or style (see also gay culture and camp) but also refers to anyone seen as showy, outrageous, eccentric or unique stylistically

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2006 11:54AM by RAGNARoK.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 11:56AM
Nice work, Nightmask! Very nice!!!

Remaining Momboto, as usual.

Sic Biscuitus Disentegrat.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 02:48PM
Alternately, just take the stats for Odin, who, of old, was called the Yulefather. Just make very sure you've been nice, not naughty. Reciprocation can be a @#$%&.

Happy Yuletide peoples!

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"You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 03:16PM
Thanks! Glad to see his stats are so well received. I tried to fit in everything I could think of, although did forget to list his vast range of contacts, namely everyone that believes in him, especially children. Them and of course his elves and the Mrs. If I've missed something please, don't forget to post it here along with the rest.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 03:19PM
Sounds like quite the bit of fun, glad I could help it out so much. :)
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 03:21PM
You know, come to think about it, Odin HAS stood in for Santa Claus at least once, if my memory is still serving me well. Can't remember exactly when but I do have a vague impression of him doing so (although it was definitely the original SC who showed up in Spider-man).
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 03:34PM
If it were in the DC Universe, remember to add Heat Vision!:) (See JLA #60 for further details! A Plastic Man story!)

Ben Riely

"Oh, it's Waffle Time, it's Waffle Time, Won't you have some Waffles of mine!"
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 08:24PM
I love this guy... :D Good Job Nightmask!
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 24, 2006 09:19PM
Thanks, I'm glad he's gone over so well. :)
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 25, 2006 11:27AM
Nightmask Wrote:
> You know, come to think about it, Odin HAS stood
> in for Santa Claus at least once, if my memory is
> still serving me well. Can't remember exactly
> when but I do have a vague impression of him doing
> so (although it was definitely the original SC who
> showed up in Spider-man).

Odin stood in for Santa? Ummm, I think you have that backwards. ;-)

But it's all good! Happy Xmas morning to all those so inclined to call it such!

And still 7 days of festivities left!

Don't ya just love Yule... the most wonderful time of the year!

Powersurge (history, pics) []

Morningstar (campaign journal) []


"You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 25, 2006 04:39PM
Well Done Nightmask.

What your best guess on Santa's season?
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
December 25, 2006 05:13PM
Oh I never try to guess things like weight, plus it's likely variable to some degree. In some ways he's probably like Galactus, people see him as they expect to see him, so for some he's skinnier than for others. The only consistant feature he naturally has is that for those who believe they instantly know he's the real deal.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
November 27, 2007 09:49PM
Time to bump Santa back up in time for the Christmas time holiday. :) Yes you too can include the Spirit of Giving in your campaign this holiday season. :)

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Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
November 27, 2007 10:20PM
I'd give him some level of resistance to cold from living in the Artic (down the street from Superman) and a personality transfer power that allows him to disguise himself as your parents.
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
November 30, 2007 04:34PM
I don't know dos Santa really deserve cl 1000 Endurace?

I mean there's this one time, Santa got sick and Fred Flintstone had to impersonate him for Christmas.

Come to think of it, he seems to come down with a cold quite often, maybe it should be listed as a weakness?
Re: Santa's Stats for Taarna
November 30, 2007 04:56PM
Well he IS Santa Claus, more a spirit than physical entity, and cosmic entities generally have ultra-high endurances (plus consider how exhausting it must be covering an entire planet and millions of households in a single night for those toy deliveries). I'd say his illnesses come about as a result of weakening from growing cynicism and disbelief in his existence.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

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