
Posted by Nathan 
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August 11, 2003 03:58PM
In a campaign I was running I was allowing one player to run as Nightcrawler. Durring a particular adventure he *bamfed* while completely submerged and it occured to me, "what would happen in this sittuation?" So, all you judges out there, I'm open to ideas and I thought it would be quite the discussion. Let me know what you think.
Re: Bamfing...
August 11, 2003 04:20PM
What was Kurt submerged in? Water? Concrete? Rutting Weasels?

Be Ex/20 to one another!
Re: Bamfing...
August 11, 2003 04:26PM
Well for one, it would be more like a "Mmpff," methinks.

He doesn't bring air with him normally, so probably doesn't bring water. The "Bamff" sound is presumably a mini thunder clap, so a similar sound would occur, though lower in pitch and muted. Perhaps characters right next to him feel a quick tug of the water rushing to fill the space, but beyond that I don't know if there's any siginifcant difference. The water would stink a bit, I guess.

Do you think there would be any other weirdness? For instance, did the water's refractive nature mess up his targeting in any way? What about teleporting INTO the water?
Re: Bamfing...
August 11, 2003 11:40PM
Actually what happens when Kurt "Bamfs" is he enters the Dark Dimension in his current location and exits it where ever it is he wanted to go. The Bamf is the souind of air rushing in to fill the vacum created in the space where his body recently occupied and the sulfur smell is a little bit of the Dark Dimension escaping into our world.

So probably what would happen would be he'd dissapear, water would then rush in to fill the empty space and the water would probably have a small, dark, oily slick where his body was.


Marvel > DC
Re: Bamfing...
August 12, 2003 07:26AM
The correct sound effect: Bloop!


1. Ninjas are mammals.

2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.

3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
Re: Bamfing...
August 12, 2003 08:31AM
That is my point too! It well depends on what he was submerge in and if any of it was in his system at the time of the Bamf.

For instance if nightcrawler was drowning in Jello and he had jello in his lungs, he could bamf out of there without any effect to the jello around him. However, he still would have to make and endurance feat roll to see if would still be drowning from what jello was in his lungs before the bamf.

Hopefully this helps you.
Re: Bamfing...
August 12, 2003 02:17PM
Which is exactly why he isn't allowed to use the X-pool.

Re: Bamfing...
August 12, 2003 02:25PM
To clarify, Kurt was completely submerged in water. I am going with the "inbetween theory" for his teleportation.
Re: Bamfing...
August 14, 2003 10:03PM
Kurt's powers are line of site.

Was the water murky? If it was in the ocean the his teleportation is limited. When he does him and the water touching him would teleport as well. Also I think the Sulfer would dilude in the water.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 04:08AM
No they aren't. He can teleport anywhere, he just needs to be sure that he isn't going to teleport into anything. Therefore he generally only teleports line of site.

There was one classic X-Men where doom had kurt locked in a box, but he could not escape because he didn't know if he was going to teleport into something. He ended up teleporting about a mile into the air, used air currents to slow his fall, then teleported directly above a lake to land. That certainly was not line of sight.

Jesus Saves! The rest of you take damage.
Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 04:45PM
I read that issue. Storm was locked inside a statue, suffereing from claustrophobia and summoning up a hurricane that was destroying everything within miles.


Marvel > DC
Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 04:46PM
Oddly her Phoenixing tendency has never come up since.

Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 04:57PM
Not Phoenixing, just the fact an AM rank (judges book) is rather phenominal. People seem to forget that it doesnt take power levels in the Shifts and Classes to be powerful.
Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 05:00PM
That's true, but at the time, in context, the other characters said she was being overwhelmed by her power and they feared another Phoenix. Her claustrophobia drove her nearly insane.

This was long before Phoenix was ever described as an alien entity/clone.

Which begs the question can other mutants lose control of their powers to that extent?

Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 06:43PM
I would think yes.

even normal people can do incredible things do to adrenaline. When a person is scared the adrinaline boosts certain areas of the brain and body...I dont see why it would not affect powers. granted trying to control them would be nigh impossible...I would give the power a +2CS. But after it wore off ....the charcter passing out from sheer fatigue.

All I have to do is out run the person behind me.
Re: Bamfing...
August 15, 2003 10:09PM
I think teleporting into water could be a bad thing, but I am not sure of the degree of bad it would be.

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