ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)

Posted by ThatArtGuy 
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ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)
November 29, 2007 06:33PM
To begin, I am very glad that I have so many people interested in this project. It can sometimes be overwhelming and humbling how many questions I receive about it, but I will do my best to answer some of the most reoccurring questions here.

First, the print on demand website I am leaning toward the most is . They seem to be slightly (*I reiterate slightly*) more expensive than other print on demand sites. This is because they have a higher quality service for both the publisher and the consumer. (And I'm *all* about quality.)

Secondly, I'm doing pretty much all the work myself (writing, art, layout, editing, etc.). Due to the quality of work that people expect of me, it's taking a lot longer than I anticipated. I know that I *have* to hit a home run, if not a grand slam, with the core book, so I'm going to make doubly sure that it's solid before anything is leaked, let alone released. On the flip side, I want to get it done as soon as possible, so I'm not going to take forever either. (Let's put it this way, my outline alone is 5,000 words.)

Thirdly, I will be tweaking the 4C System to my own ends, going as far to make it work the way I want it to work.

Finally, I will be adding some surprises and ideas that I *know* will please a *lot* of people. Unfortunately, I can't reveal such secrets at this time.


If you missed last month's FAQ you can read it here:



On an entirely different note, I thought I'd try to ask you, "What you would like to see in the book?" I'm not looking for specific rules or updates. I'm more interested in what you want in a general sense, like artwork, examples of play, and *general* rules or items you might want to see. (Saying, "I'd like rules for petting a dog," is general. "You should give a +1 shift to the dog liking you for every 10 turns you pet him," is specific. No specifics please.) If you have anything to share, please PM me. I might throw it in. If you want something in the game, now is the time to tell me. I won't be able to later down the road.




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/2007 06:37PM by ThatArtGuy.
Re: ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)
November 30, 2007 01:20AM
Perhaps an insert guide to how to run a game online or through play-by-email.
Re: ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)
December 05, 2007 08:05PM
PBeM advice (or Play-by-forum) would definately make your work standout, TAG.
I'd think it would be very useful in this day and age of widely scattered MSH
folks, and there being some new interest budding here and there in poeple, it'd
probably make their entry into the world of that game format a lot more enjoyable.



Re: ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)
December 05, 2007 09:50PM
I'll definitely take your and Beyonders' suggestions under great consideration. Thank you.
Re: ThatArtGuy's Untitled RPG Project Update (November 29, 2007)
December 07, 2007 10:56PM
Will you be revealing one or two pieces of the art itself for a sneak peek?


"My parents went to The Secret Wars Battleworld and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt..."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2007 10:57PM by Mark.
ThatArtGuy wearing his heart on his sleeve.
December 08, 2007 01:55AM
I will show examples when the time comes... I promise.

There are some things that I'm doing that really excite me, and I would *LOVE* to show them to you. I truly appreciate, and respect, everyone's love and passion for the Classic Marvel game on this board (even including ones I have the occasional disagreement with from time to time). I am investing a lot of time, and hard labor, thinking that my ideas will be fun and exciting for you as well. Unfortunately, there are reasons why I can't show them to you yet. Mainly, I don't have anything copyrighted currently, and if I were to post anything right now I would have a hard time exercising my creative rights over them. As a secondary reason, I don't want to disappoint anyone by giving a sample that's unfinished. Most people would understand that a piece-in-progress is just that, a piece in progress. Others might have a harder time understanding that it is a rough draft idea and would have lower expectations of the project if I were to show it early, thinking that it was a fully completed piece.

On one hand, it's a labor of love. On the other hand, it is a *HUGE* workload. I'm literally doing the job that usually more than three people do. Generally, there is at least a writer, an artist, a graphic designer, and an editor on a project of this type. I'm doing it alone. Every time I sit down to work, I feel a small clock ticking in the back my head (and all my clocks are digital). Trust me, I want the core book out as much as you do. I put a lot of pressure on myself because I want to make the best product possible. Yeah, I know it's a commercial project, and yes, I hope that I make a little coin on it. (I have to eat too.) ...But, a little part of me is thinking that I'm not just doing this for myself, but I'm doing it for all of us. Call it corny. Call it sentimental. Call it a little misguided, even. I just want to do justice to something that has been very special to all of us for a very long time.

I know there's some people out there asking if this project is "worth it." Well, I hope this post lets you glean some sort of idea of how important it is to me. I have the credentials (and the resume) to back up my claims that I can make an excellent product. I hope that you think so too.

Very Sincerely,

Re: ThatArtGuy wearing his heart on his sleeve.
December 08, 2007 11:20AM
avatar's OK, TAG. I bet you're going to blow us away with it.
I got faith in ya!

(And so should the rest of these game geeks!)



Re: ThatArtGuy wearing his heart on his sleeve.
December 08, 2007 01:36PM
Though it pains me personally to say this (as net access may very well be one of the things I'm forced to sacrifice, come year's end), and I'd hate to wind up missing out on your work, TAG, please, take your time and try not to overwork yourself. We know your work is worth waiting for, and we'd hate to see you collapse into a frazzled wreck just to feed our cravings.

Take care and remember to get some rest and personal time amidst your project. There'll be plenty of cold drinks waiting for you when you're ready to unveil it.

Quack, damn you...
Re: ThatArtGuy wearing his heart on his sleeve.
December 08, 2007 01:44PM
I have faith in you dude.

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