Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!

Posted by Skarlett Spyder 
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Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 09:41AM
I can't believe no one has started a thread on it yet, so I guess it's up to me.

I had been missing the new show "Heroes" on NBC, only being able to watch the 1st episode. Well, sunday night they had a recap of all of the previous episodes and the new one last night. I must say that I was skeptical at first, but this is shaping up to be one awesome show! I even see Jeph Loeb credited as a writer in like 2 of the episodes.

I haven't been this excited about a show since the 1st 4 seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", or even "24". I can't wait to see what happens next week.

Skarlett da Heroic Spyder

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Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 11:07AM
I just caught up on episodes as well and it's really engaging. Smart righting about super heroes and seeing it on TV. yeah I became a fan too.

Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 12:31PM
Yeah it is i need to re-watch last nights though, had to watch tv and play coh at the same time.

"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 01:40PM
Yeah, the show seemeed to start a bit "slow". I wasn't all that sure about the first flying scene for instance. When buddy took off last night though... sweet!

Also, the cheerleader... when she was walking across the football field and got plastered by one of the players? Holy shiite factionalists Batman!! Likewise, when she woke up on the autopsy table with her chest ripped open. Holy frack!!

Then there is psycho-internet porn chick... seeing that huge enforcer ripped *in two* was jaw-dropping. And when she kicked that other guys arse in the elevator, then placed her spiked heel on his head and threatened to drive it in. She be one mean mamma.

The story is quite enthralling to... how it is pulling folks together. And when familiar faces pass each other in the crowd. Cool stuff.

This show rocks!!

Jericho is pretty cool too, but no one has superpowers on there.

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T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 02:13PM
I've been quite enjoying it. It started a bit slow, but then my wife and I realized that it's moving at a normal pace but as an impatient person I only thought it was moving slow.

I'm also enjoying trying to setup stats for everyone. So far I was most shocked by the flight of Nathan. But even Hiro with his teleportation ability, very cool stuff. Each week I look forward to the next one.
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 02:35PM
Hiro is cool. The name for starters. A good Japanese name, that it also highly appropriate for the show.

And how about the contrast to "todays" Hiro and his future self, lookin all the bad-@$$ with the swrod strapped to his back. Sweet!

Hiro be da man!

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"You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 07:36PM

Oddly enough, the only one I haven't seen is the first. After seeing the recap on Sunday, though, I was able to follow the stories much better.

Loved Hiro's discussion with Nathan after he flew in. :)
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 24, 2006 11:51PM
Skarlett Spyder: I can't believe no one has started a thread on it yet, so I guess it's up to me.
Actually, I was amazed no one was responding to the original thread.
But yes, the show is freaking amazing. I've been taping every episode and wishing I had one of those computers with built-in TV tuner so I could examine freeze frames.
This is one of those shows that, like LOST, you want to search the individual scenes for material hidden in plain sight.
Isaac's paintings, for example.
Or how Niki only has an S-sigil when her alter ego is in control.

If you're Down Under, download the show. It's worth it.

Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 25, 2006 01:27AM
*does a lil dance cause he has 2 comps like that*

a DVR also works well for examining scenes.

and when do you think we'll get to see badass hiro again? He is quickly becomming the show favorite as well as the fan favorite.

"No where to hide. No place to run. Your village will BURN like the heart of the SUN!" - Richard, Head warlock of the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord of the 13 Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance.
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 25, 2006 06:12AM
I love the show. I rush home from work just to see it on Mondays. The cheerleader who could not die...It reminds me of a old B-Movie. I haven't been this happy with a show since Buffy,Angel,Firefly, or Birds of Prey.

"All those who break bananna law must face the MONKEY!"
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 25, 2006 06:14AM
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 25, 2006 10:07AM
What's their origin? Are they all the same?
Are they mutants? Altered humans? Aliens?

Why, despite different ages, do their powers just start showing up now?

Now that we've found the original thread do I respond to this or that?
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 25, 2006 10:10AM
Well from what i've watched thus far, the Doctor's Son infers while he's on the subway that the drastic changes environmentally and socially on the planet is spurring drastic changes in macro evolution. So specifically that makes them "mutants". but since this isn't the Marvel U it's not a good fit to apply the Marvel "origins" to different characters in a different setting.

Re: Heroes (tv) origins
October 25, 2006 10:33AM
Fit to apply? How can we be expected to convert them to Marvel RPG stats if we don't know these sorts of details!?

Bah! To heck with convention. I need my MSH RPG fix and TV needs to supply it to me!
Re: Heroes (tv) origins
October 25, 2006 12:41PM
Hey, the cheer leader didn't actually die in an episode. Im kind of disappointed. Their has to be some alien,cosmic or future tech stuff going on for all of them to just be randomly meeting up. Its like lost or something but it goes to the next level as far as having everyone running into each other before the major event.

Their is a design and you also saw how they were tracking people and knew who had powers before they even started discovering it themselves. My guess is an outside force is spurring their powers and manipulating situations. Not random evolutionarly chance. Maybe we will find out maybe not, but im not buying into the whole mutant like evolutionary role unless they show how they now who have powers like a professor X or some how can see into the future/past.
Re: Heroes (tv) origins
October 25, 2006 12:57PM
They have a guy who controls time so...

Re: Heroes (tv) origins
October 26, 2006 02:09PM
I figure that the evolutionary angle is probably the safest way to bet. It has been highlighted since the beginning of the program, was first hit upon by an "evolutionary scientist", etc.

How about the guy in the glasses folks? Hero or villain?

He definitely appears to be a villain, but the more we get to see him the more I'm swayed to thinking he is just a highly pragmatic good guy.

As for Hiro; I'm actaully surprised I like him so much. Usually I don't like the guys with stars in their eyes who ahve always dreamt of being a, errr, hero. For instance, I always prefered Han Solo to Luke Skywalker.

Be that as it may, Hiro is just such a classic comicbook geek, that speaks directly to the comicbook geek within us all.

I can't wait to see, not simply to bad@$$ Hiro again, but to witness the transformation in personality.


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"You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: Heroes (tv) origins
October 26, 2006 02:20PM
I think the cheerleader's adopted father is definately on the bad-guy end of things, though the degree is what I'm puzzled about. I can tell he loves his 'daughter' but he's all about the bottom line. He even has the video evidence that she was the one who rescued the man from the fire. But he still keeps it under his hat and keeps trying to convince her she can 'tell him anything'. Seems like some manipulation happening there.

However, how he fits in with the obvious psychopath Syler is what bewilders me. Are they in cahoots? Is he more humane than Syler? Less? Are they working at parallel purposes or cross purposes. I have to say though i enjoy having two seemingly unrelated antagonists who may have conflicting agendas. I loves me a bad guy vs. bad guy struggle.

Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 30, 2006 11:01AM
It does look like it's shaping up quite nicely, I have to agree. Just having trouble remembering to watch it since I'm not use to anything worth watching on Mondays on network TV outside of CSI:Miama.
I'm curious how many caught onto the one guy's powers being similar to Mimic's to copy another superhumans powers/talents before the episode where he copied the drug-addict painter's ability of precognition.
Re: Is it me, or is "Heroes" just that awesome?!
October 31, 2006 08:04AM
I caught on that Peter Petrelli temporarily mimics powers when I noticed that he drew that stick figure of himself flying to his brother Nathan Petrelli and then doing it later. That told me that Peter Petrelli predicted the future like the artist Isaac Mendez that he visited earlier in the day with Simone Deveaux just before speaking with his brother Nathan Petrelli on the roof that night. And what confirmed it was when he finally painted that last bit of the unfinished picture back at Isaac Mendez artist studio. And when I look back, it would explain why Peter Petrelli wasn't affected by the time distortion when warned by Hiro Nakamura on the subway.


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