Price Update

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Price Update
December 22, 2005 12:14AM
Looking through the various Marvel books I have, and the date most have been published (80s on average), has anyone else noticed that some could use a pricing update? (Resource cost I mean) A good example is Personal Computer (GD cost, EX with modem). In today's society, PCs are more commonplace and cheaper (save for those sports car models like Alienware, etc.).

Any thoughts?
Re: Price Update
December 22, 2005 11:43AM
The Resource system in the Advanced set always seemed a little funky to me, too. A professionally-employed person of GD Resources (including the average attorney, I would assume, since they used Foggy Nelson as one of the benchmarks) would have to take out a bank loan just to afford Broadway tickets (EX cost) in any given week (which, incidentally, cost the same amount as a minicar or the purchase price of a four-room house ::!o ). I don't know too many attorneys who drive minicars or live in four-room shacks, and they certainly don't need to take out a second mortgage just to nab two $130 tickets to go see Wicked!

This looks like a job for House Rule Man! :D
Re: Price Update
December 23, 2005 10:36AM
Actually, I think this points out that changing from Resource Points to Resource Ranks was a dumb idea. With Resource Points you can easily save for those Broadway tickets. Something even most lawyers have to do.

Re: Price Update
December 24, 2005 08:08PM
Sorta new to my original post. I went through the lists and updated them as to how I believe they should be. I even added some modern items :D This is just a question to ask if anyone wishes to see it (even one reply of yes will do), I'll gladly post it.
Re: Price Update
December 25, 2005 05:37AM

Yes, I agree that some things are definitely in need of updating, especially with regards to computer costs and the like. 20 years is 20 years, and a whole lot has changed since those resource benchmarks were first implemented. That having been said...

I've never really seen Foggy Nelson as your "average" attorney; but then again, what is an "average attorney", anyhow?? I mean, not everyone in the law profession are rolling in the dough. Middle Class, that I can definitely see- but he's hardly one of those "power-attorneys" raking in the big corporate bucks. Foggy was (in the 80's at least), along with Murdock more often depicted as one of those "just scraping by" attorney/ professional types; Not making money hand over fist, but definitely better off than someone like Cloak & Dagger (for example). I think the Good rank fits for most professionals; Those who are more in upper management or in higher-profile positions warrant Excellent (or higher), in my opinion.

I'd always looked at Resource Ranks as being more-or-less what the character can afford right out of hand, or as out-of-pocket expenses. It's not money, after all, but represents the sum of all the various means by which the characters in question can accumulate stuff- and in that end, it's a whole lot quicker & easier to work with than RP's.

Being able to buy a mini-car with out-of-pocket expenses (one a week, no less), AIN'T BAD. Most folks- professional or otherwise - usually take out a loan of some sort to purchase a new car; those who can do it with one Resource FEAT have bought it free & clear.

As far as housing goes, I've never house-hunted in NYC, but I've heard it can be expensive in some locations, and cheap in others. I hardly doubt, however, that a four- room house costing EX would be considered a "shack"- most of the time, that doesn't include the kitchen & bath, and chances are there's a garage spot included in the cost. (and the excellent cost for a small house is, once again- bought free & clear. Again not bad!).

I've never been to Broadway, nor have I ever priced tickets to an actual, on-broadway play. It would seem to me that anyone who can afford to buy a house free & clear should have no problem snapping up a ticket or two, though. Whenever my players had asked about the cost of those tickets, I told them that it represented front-row, prime choice seats. They were satisfied with that, and it also allowed for some leeway (picking up cheaper tickets at -CS's).

Using RP's for every purchase has it's limitations, and is hardly the answer for everything. The minimum RP someone can spend is 1 on something, which means that a pack of chewing gum ($.25) costs the same in RP's as a hamburger ($1.99), which costs the same as an extra value-meal ($3.99+), which costs the same as...

Unless you really just do away with Resources altogether & go with a fixed dollar system, there's always going to be things that need tweaking. Resources isn't really designed to be a strait-jacket; it's supposed to help handle some of the more "down-time" things and add to the game. Haggling & penny-pinching is hardly what I consider Super-heroics, nor is having to balance a checkbook in-game.

That's my take on the issue.


Re: Price Update
December 25, 2005 07:58AM
Sure, I'd like to see it.

I've also created a Resource to Money and back Excel spreadsheet if anyone is interested in.

Re: Price Update
December 26, 2005 03:47PM
check the Revamp forum. I believe that we were able to marry up the resouce rank and points system into a coheasable table. Have a look.

Re: Price Update
December 26, 2005 10:42PM
I'd like to see it.
Re: Price Update
December 26, 2005 11:07PM
Warning, this is a *LONG* post. Ok, with that warning down, read on.

Name Cost
Sedan TY
Mini-Car TY
Sports Car GD
Luxury Car GD, EX for those with mini bars
Security Limo EX
Van TY
Convertible GD
Taxi GD
Bus RM
Police Car GD/EX if fully outfitted
Police Van GD/EX if fully outfitted
SWAT Van EX/RM if fully outfitted
Semi EX
Sleeper EX
Armored Car EX
Fire Truck EX
Includes Fire Hoses, Hook and Ladder
Ambulance EX/RM if fully outfitted
Rocket Car AM
Bicycle PR
Motorcycle TY
Motor Trike GD
Pickup Truck TY
Jeep TY
Snowmobile TY
Heavy Truck EX
Tractor GD
Bulldozer EX
Tank IN/AM*
*(Includes Light Artillery mount and Machine Gun)
*(Includes Heavy Artillery mount and Machine Gun)
Armored Carrier IN/AM*
*Includes Machine gun
Walker RM/IN*
*Includes Stun Cannon
Borer IN

Name Cost
Train IN
Bullet Train AM
Monorail IN
Hovercraft RM
Private Plane EX
Corporate Jet RM
Military Jet AM/MN*
*Includes 4 missiles of various types, Machine Gun
Commercial Jet RM
Blimp IN
Traffic Copter EX/RM fully outfitted
Battle Copter RM/IN fully outfitted
*Includes machine gun, 2 bombs
WWII Bomber EX/RM*
*Machine Guns, 100 bombs
WWI Fighter EX/RM*
*Includes Machine Guns
*Includes four Missiles, Machineguns
Ultra-Light GD
Gliders GD
Autogyro RM
Air Car RM
Skymobile RM
Flying Car RM
Quinjet IN
Concorde AM
Omnijet AM
Pogo Plane AM
Fantasticar IN
"Blackbird" AM
Space Shuttle AM
Lunar Shuttle MN
Space Ship UN
Raft FE
Rowboat TY
Sailboat GD
Racing Sloop EX
Motorboat GD
Yacht EX
Speedboat EX
Patrol Boat EX/RM*
*Includes Light Artillery, Machine Guns
Hydrofoil RM
Jetskis GD
Ocean Liner IN
Destroyer AM/MN*
*Includes Light Artillery, Heavy Artillery
Battleship MN/UN*
*Includes Super Heavy Artillery
Carrier MN/UN*
Does not include air craft, includes Missiles
Submarine IN/AM*
*Includes 8 Missiles
Mini-Subs RM/IN*
*Missile or laser armed

Name Price
Knife FE
Sword PR
Great Sword TY
Axe PR
Great Axe TY
Spear FE
Club FE
Shuriken FE
Boomerang PR
Whip, leather PR
Whip, metal TY

Name Cost
Grenade, Fragment EX
Grenade, Smoke GD
Grenade, Tear Gas GD
Grenade, Knock-out EX
Grenade, Knock-out RM
Grenade, Knock-out IN
Grenade, Flash GD
Grenade, Concussive EX
Grenade, Sonic RM
Missile, Standard EX
Missile, High-tech RM
Missile, High-speed IN
Missile Control, Wire-guided RM
Missile Control, Tele-guided IN
Missile Control, Computer AM
Missile Control, Radio IN
Missile Control, Heat Seeker RM
Missile Payload, Standard EX
Missile Payload, RM
Concentrated Explosive
Missile Payload, High Exp. IN
Missile Payload, Incendiary IN
Missile Payload, Gas RM
Smoke, fill one area GD
Tear Gas, fill one area EX
Knock-Out Gas, fill one area EX
(also explosives) RM

Item Price Notes
Fire Extinguishers TY
Fire Hoses GD
Silencer GD
Sniper Sights GD
Telescopic Sight GD +1CS to hit (stacks with Tripod)
Infra-red sights GD
Tripod TY
Flashlight, normal FE
Flashlight, halogen TY
Infra-red Goggles EX
Polarized Lenses GD
Mace TY
Gas Mask TY
Firefighter Suit EX
Radiation Suit RM
Bullet resistant Vest GD
Beta Cloth EX
Flare Pistol TY
Camera TY *
Camera, Digital Varies **
Personal Computer TY Poor Reason***
Laptop Computer TY
Caltrops TY
Cell Phone Service TY Resource FEAT once per month
Beeper Service TY Resource FEAT once per month
VCR PR Poor cost because, due to DVD players, they are being made obsolete.
DVD Player TY
DVD, One TY Brand new, just released DVD, cost will drop -1CS in 3-6 months time (even further if it is an unpopular one, or a limited market)
Video Game System TY Playstation One, Two, Game Cube, etc.
Video Game, One TY Brand new, just released video game,
Cost will drop -1CS in 3-6 months time
Video Game, PC, One TY Brand new, just released video game,
Cost will drop -1CS in 3-6 months time
Handcuffs TY
Inhibitor Bands RM
Nullifier Bands IN
Stasis Ray MN
Spear Gun GD
Scuba Gear GD
Roller blades TY
Roller skates PR
Rocket Pack RM
Salary, Butler or Housekeeper TY
Salary, Secretary TY
Salary, Pilot GD
Salary, Lawyer GD

*Represents the standard photographer's tool (film version). More expensive versions are available with higher definition. Camera accessories would include film (Feeble cost), flash (normal or halogen, as flashlight), and special lens, such as telephoto lens (Typical cost).

**Quality and size of digital cameras will affect the cost. Your average model digital camera has a Typical cost, while superior ones are Good cost (and most often used by professionals and similar). Poor versions are Poor cost. This includes Web Cams.

***Includes dial up modem. Broadband/DSL modem and other accessories require a Typical Resource FEAT for each item.

NOTE: Anything considered used costs -1CS less than normal, due to the fact it is a used item. Most, however, are in decent shape, just a little older (Judge's can screw with your equipment though if it's used ;) )

Item Price Notes
Salary, Bodyguard TY
Salary, Mechanic TY
Salary, computer specialist EX
Salary, scientist EX
Salary, cook TY
Salary, groundskeeper TY
Salary, 10 workers EX
Salary, 50 workers RM
Salary, 100 workers IN
Salary, 150 workers AM
Night on the Town TY/GD
Broadway tickets TY/GD
Dinner and Movie TY
Respectable Clothing PR
Rented Tux TY
Purchased suit or Tux GD
Halston original RM
Fur coat EX
20 comic books TY
Original Art GD+
Art, Reproduction TY
Unstable Molecules IN
Wankandan Vibranium, 6 oz. AM
Antarctic Vibranium, 6 oz. UN
True Adamantium, 1 lb. ShX
Secondary Adamantium, 1 lb. UN
Translation Device IN
Mystic Texts IN
Underwater Breathing Pills IN
Pym's Reduction Formula IN
Mutant analyzer AM
Mutant Neutralizer UN
Robot, standard RM
Robot, Sentry IN
Robot, Talent AM

Robot Note: I shifted Robot, Standard down one, however, IMG, with all the technology being bandied about, I could see shifting them each down one rank (Standard EX, Sentry RM, Talent IN).

Name Price
Cheap Handgun FE
Handgun/Pistol TY
Target Pistol TY
Variable Pistol TY
This, I view, with some exceptions, as the "standard" pistol, as a 9mm (for example) could use hollow points, armor piercing, etc.
GyroJet Pistol EX
Laser Pistol* EX/RM
Stun Pistol EX/RM
Concussion Pistol RM/IN
Plasma Beam IN/AM
Machine Pistol** EX
Rifle TY
Hunting Rifle TY
Sniper Rifle GD
Assault Rifle** EX
Laser Rifle EX/RM
Stun Rifle EX/RM

Name Price
Concussion Rifle RM
Automatic Rifle** EX
Shotgun*** TY
Riot Gun GD
Grenade Launcher* EX/RM
Sub-Machine Gun** RM
Machine Gun* RM/IN
Flamethrower IN
Bazooka IN
Light Artillery AM
Stun Cannon AM
Concussion Cannon AM
Laser Cannon AM
Heavy Artillery MN
Superheavy Artillery UN
Missile Launcher IN
Regular Bow PR
Long Bow TY
Compound Bow TY
Crossbow TY

*The first number represents the cost for someone who works for a law enforcement or government agency to purchase. To purchase it illegally, you use the second rank.

** This is the cost to purchase a military version, capable of burst firing. To purchase a civilian model, the cost is shifted -1CS, but the weapon is incapable of firing bursts. To modify it is illegal.

*** Only double barreled shotguns and automatic shotguns can fire bursts. Double barreled shotguns can fire both barrels if they are an older model (most are made now to fire only one barrel at a time).
Weapon Note: Black Market costs can see the more "common" items downshifted by -1CS or even further. (Recent news articles detail how various stings have been pulled, netting people who were willing to buy LAW type weapons for $1,000 each).
Re: Price Update
December 26, 2005 11:08PM
My apologies to the screwed up posting, was supposed to have the prices spaced out away from the name. Ah well :D

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