Star Wars Episode 3

Posted by Redman II 
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Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 09:50AM
just because nobody else seems to have brought it up yet......

Overall, I loved the movie. I liked the darker tone, especially with some of the things Anakin did (in the Jedi Temple, especially...that was eeeevil!!)

I kinda liked the way they did General Grievous (the fight scenes were pretty cool), but I wouldn't have minded seeing him with a little more screen time though.

I definitely would have liked to see Mace Windu get more screen time, but the fight scene was cool (though brief)

Yoda and Sidious fighting in the Senate chamber was pretty entertaining.

And then of course there's the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin/Darth Vader...:.D

Quack, damn you...
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 10:06AM
you forgot the part where R2 kicks some butt.

that was great
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 11:24AM
Of course, how could I forget that? That was pretty f@#&ing funny...
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 03:03PM
I'm sure the third one is pretty good and better then the last two. But how hard good that be considering phantom and to a lesser extent clones were piss poor movies and not even good star wars movies. Even if sith is pretty good ( all reviews ive read and heard say so ) maybe it's a case of too little too late.
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 03:14PM
Episodes 1 & 2 were both good movies but never stood a chance of being held in their own right because they were being compared to movies made over 20 years earlier. Movie tastes, filming techniques and many other things have changed. I thought all six movies are excellent - TAKEN FOR WHAT THEY ARE. Try getting off the prequels movies sucked bandwagon and watch them without the blinders and you'll see them for what they are.

My only major complaint with ep. 3 was parts seemed a little too impersonal. The forst three were very up close and personal movies, but this one kept a bit of distance, which was necessary, how closely can you relate to someone who will do what vader did. Excellent, excellent movie, IMO.(tu)(tu)(tu)(tu)
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 05:15PM
Just saw the film today. I have to say it was pretty damn good. I'm sure as I process everything I'll think of something else that could've been done or added, but for the most part I think it did a good job of tying up everything that had to get done in order to line up with episode IV.
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 21, 2005 08:51PM
Did not see the new one but Tormain , I'm a long time star wars fan /film buff and to be blunt ( even taken for what they are ) the first two films ( even jedi ) have many weaknesses, inconsistancies, poor script, ect. and thought they were practically 2 hour commercials for merchandise- starwars and empire had a marketing push also but not purposly written in for this.

Phantoms structure of story ( or lack thereof ) is so bad a writing proffessor once said she could not detect an actual story in it.

I have heard good things about the "sith"pt.3 and will probably like it but it is definitly possible to be a big starwars fan and not like the films you feel did not even do the simple things to be good.

I did not want to make a long list of problems i have had w/ jedi,phantom, and clones too verying degrees and i dont want anyone too think that because there is a list I have over thought the subject but I just didn't want to off handedly say the new ones just sucked. If tasked to explain why I thought they were bad I could be more specific.

Besides AJAX there must be more of you out there who didn't care for the new ones-( thus far )
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 22, 2005 12:26AM
Episodes 1 & 2 were both good movies but never stood a chance of being held in their own right because they were being compared to movies made over 20 years earlier.

I agree all tho with the caveat that it wasn't when they were made so much as they had 20 years of expectation to live up to. And nothing is as good as we can imagine it should be.

Taken for what they are I think Episodes 1&2 are very good movies.

I mean anytime you can see Jedi do their thing I say rock on, if I have to put up with some 9 year old so-so actor to see it I consider that a small price to pay. Wether it was the three way Jedi-Jedi-Sith action in Ep1 or the uber underwear changing scene with Yoda finally unleashing his true ablities, I say its all good.


Marvel > DC
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 22, 2005 02:21AM
I have finally seen the movie. (On a friends computer tonight.) And I must say I like Sith better than any other Star Wars movie I have seen. And now that means better than any of them as I have now officially seen them all. The scary part is, I can see, logically and emotionally, why Anikan/Vader chose the "Dark Side".
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 22, 2005 08:59PM
Ok, There is no doubt that Sith is better than the other 2 but I say I was expecting a little more. IMO some of the Jedi just died to easy. Mace was kicking mucho butt and to see him go out that way was uncool. All and all it wasnt bad but I think it could have been better.

Love live the Sith,

Live Fast, Live Hard and Play it Loud
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 22, 2005 10:15PM
What! The other Jedi die!?!?

How dare you spoil the ending! ;)


Marvel > DC
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 23, 2005 10:26AM
Oops, I thought that EP 4 would have covered that. My bad. LOL


Live Fast, Live Hard and Play it Loud
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 23, 2005 03:40PM
i liked it alot(tu) but it was rushed(td)
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 25, 2005 04:14PM
I fell asleep in it TWICE.

Can someone remind me why Yoda was on the Wookie world?

Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 26, 2005 12:22PM
Wookie world = Kashyyyk ...I give the movie (tu)(tu) myself. Anyone tried ROTS Video Game on for size yet?

Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 26, 2005 03:34PM
It is not a bandwagon as it is almost universally considered by Star Wars Fans that Episode I + II were big letdowns and Episode III somewhat redeems the Star Wars franchise.

Episode I was a big flop.

Consider that Lucas had basically an unlimited budget. He spent (even adjusted for inflation) at least 7 X more money making the phantom menace. He also had 16 years to think about things he wanted to do.

Episode I was terrible. The acting was terrible. The story was boring. (Who cares about trade laws). The special effects looked cartoonish. In 1997-1999, CGI was still under-developed. Jar-Jar Binks was annoying and unfunny. There were racial stereotypes and some of the dialogue was diffcult to understand. Many of the story elements were rehashed from the first 3 movies (e.g. the simultaneous ground-sky-lightsaber duel). The only redeeming feature of Episode I is a 10 minute light-saber duel.

Episode III was a step above. The Cgi looks better. The plot was finally aimed at adults once again. There was way more action. But even Episode III had it's problems. (SPoiler) Darth Sidious saying to Anakin "use the dark side, it's the only way to save Padme". Really, Anakin is just plain stupid. It also makes no sense how Obi Wan won the light-saber duel. (although this was already pre-ordained from other sources). The chosen one, who could take down Count Dooku single handedly, with ease, looses to Kenobi because he has the "High ground". Nonsense.

Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 26, 2005 09:09PM
What it all comes down to is it ended as a screwed up love story. All my life I loved Darth Vader and now to find out he became the Dark Lord of the Sith over some girl is just sad. Anyone else notice how she was a lot different in this one over the others?


Live Fast, Live Hard and Play it Loud
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 27, 2005 04:07AM
Yeah, she was a lot weaker. Then there's the little poblem over how Padme's name didn't even come up once in the original trilogy and now we need to spend more bucks to buy the "really-special-special-edition".
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 27, 2005 10:48AM
OMFG you guys are so jaded. The best movie by far of the original three and IMO third behing Jedi and Empire overall and all you can do is pick it apart for what its not rather than just be happy with what it is? I say again with 25 years of expectations to live up to I think for some there is no way any movie could do anything but dissapoint.

"he became the Dark Lord of the Sith over some girl"

Some girl? If you have a significant other I dare you, I triple dog dare you, to turn to them and call them "just" anything. You'll be spanking it for months. The girl he had been in love with since he was ten. The woman he felt so strongly for he defied mellenium of Jedi law to secretly marry. The woman who was going to be the mother of his children. Just some girl? C'mon, I mean really, if you didn't like it fine, but don't pretend that love and hate aren't the two most powerful and prevelant emotions thruought humanity.

Then there's the little poblem over how Padme's name didn't even come up once in the original trilogy

Why would it? The only people in the entire universe who knew were Vader, Obi Wan and Yoda (yes the Emporer and senator Organna know but one doesn't show up till Jedi and the doesn't show up period). Not to mention it wasn't Luke's mother who was following the emporer around the galaxy destroying planets so other than for the fan boys why say her name at all?

Overall I just find it so disapointing that geekdom in general is all about what things are not rather than what they are. Pick apart, dissect and denounce what is not instead of rejoicing in what is.

It's "well this is wrong, that is wrong and clearly this movie sucks for reasons X, Y and Z" rather than "well is wasn't perfect but man did you see that part where the @#$%& went down, that was fantastic".

I guess when it comes to geekdom at large its a glass is half empty kind of world.

P.S. this comes from my overall general view of fans and fans sites with movies, books, comics, games, RPGs, etc. not simply the people on this board.


Marvel > DC
Re: Star Wars Episode 3
May 27, 2005 09:50PM
I can vouch for Sid's signifigant other because I'm his Wife. I knew from the books and such that it was a love story, tragic love story.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2005 09:52PM by TheChosenOne.

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