House of M questions...

Posted by sway 
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House of M questions...
May 15, 2005 04:56PM
Okay... the House of M storyline is revolving around Wanda's powers growing out of control and threatening all reality. She already killed most the Avengers... but whatever.

1. Is Leech dead? Why not just park the ugly little bugger outside her door all the time. She want's kids anyway... granted he's a freaky little guy... but hey... two birds one stone.

2. If her powers are now at the point were she can basically alter reality to suit her whims... why not bring in the two Richards' brats. Surely between the two of them... they could with help keep Wanda in check for awhile.

3. Doesn't Nocturne... formerly of the Exiles have her mother's Hex bolt powers? Granted she never used them that much in the Exiles books... but I haven't been keeping an eye on her in the mainstream that much. If the nature of Wanda's powers is causing the problem... shouldn't someone be looking into warning the blue chick?

4. Really more of question... now that they've retconned Wanda... how much weird stuff thats happened to the X-Men and Avengers over the years do you think they'll end up pinning on her powers rather than on the writers just coming up with silly storylines. :P Why'd that character go crazy... he was such a nice guy. Blame Wanda. Wait... how did he come back... we killed him. Blame Wanda. Etc.

X-Man Al
Re: House of M questions...
May 15, 2005 05:20PM
This is just another way new writers screw up good characters. They throw out continuity all together. I can understand that Days of Future Past ish when she's hooked up to the "Chaos Engine". The device amplified her powers to Un(100) and threatened to tear the planet apart. That was a good plot device. The other time her powers went out of control was when Chthon was using her as a focal point for extra-dimensional energies. This House of M crap is a waste of paper and time.
Re: House of M questions...
May 15, 2005 09:03PM
Nocturne, the daughter of her reality's Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, does have "Hex Bolts," butt hey're nothing like Wanda's Hex Bolts. Nocturne's 'bolts' are actually her using her teleportation powers to open a small portal to the "Brimstone Dimension" (the same dimension both she & Kurt 'move through when they 'port) to release a bolt of extradimensional energy at her foes.

Avengers: Disassembled was w aste. This... could be interesting. It's not quite Marvel's version of Crisisi on Infinite Earths (something I've been saying they need for years), but it's close.
Re: House of M questions...
May 17, 2005 01:01PM
yeah, i'm looking forward to it (and i think you're right Sway, i think this will be marvel's way of "fixing" some loophole story problems)

of course, i think i'm only 1 of the 5 people that actually enjoyed "Avengers: Disassembled" so, y'know, what do i know ;)


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against your will…”
- Me (Marvel Role-Playing game 1998)
Re: House of M questions...
May 17, 2005 03:22PM
The true secret to Magneto's constant die and comeback stronger phenemenia revealed... :P
Re: House of M questions...
May 17, 2005 03:59PM
I don't know what happened to Leech, but it could work... maybe.

I believe the Richards brats are too young... and haven't their powers been blocked until they grow older? (I don't follow the FF stuff much so I could be wrong)

Nocturne's hex-bolts, don't act the same way as her mom's and they're no way as powerful... plus she's been sucked into Xorn's blackhole a while back, along with Juggernaut and most of Exodus' Brotherhood of Evil Mutants... of course, she'll be back in a couple months, but until then, she can't help her mom...

It would totally suck if they get to blame Wanda for everything that's happened in the MU in the last decade or so... that would be awful writing. I hate that they made Wanda crazy... why couldn't they just had made her totally evil? I can see her as an awesome villain! she'd totally kick butt... all by herself without her dad's influence or anything like that...

the MU needs a great and powerful female villain!!!
Re: House of M questions...
May 18, 2005 05:51AM
I gotta say, I'm pretty curious as to how this is going to turn out. I don't have the luxury of browsing through comics at the newstand, so I really don't know what happened with the whole "Avengers: Disassembled" thing, aside from what bits and pieces I've picked up here and there from conversations. (Basically I have to order my books a few months in advance, and those are the only ones that come in at the shop). I've debated picking up the Trade of the whole A:D thing, but gotta admit it's low on my priority list at the moment.

I have been watching things unveil themselves slowly in Excalibur, which is said to lead into/ tie into the whole House of M thing... my thoughts are, it should be a fun ride. :-)

Oh yeah, I'd like to ask a small favor from all y'all who actually get the books on-schedule (I get mine about 2-3 weeks behind schedule; soon it's gonna change to 1x/ month at the shop I frequent)... if you're going to post stuff about the storyline itself, could ya throw a "SPOILER ALERT!" at the top of the post? :D


A suggestion when posting spoilers..
May 18, 2005 10:47AM
What ya'll can do to be nice nice is post the spoiler in white text (#FFFFFF). Then you can only read it if you select it like so. As with this spoiler for episode 3...

Anakin is really Darth Vader

see how nice that is?
Re: House of M questions...
May 18, 2005 02:41PM
Not sure any of this is spoiler really... I haven't seen an evidence of anyone having early access to anything in storyline and didn't see any mention of stuff that hasn't been old news for awhile now.

I guess I could spoil the secret of who Onslaught is next though...

Just teasing. :P

Spoilers bad...
Re: House of M questions...
May 18, 2005 03:59PM
Nah, wasn't saying any of this WAS spoilers... but I was fairly sure as soon as the ish's started hitting the newstands the discussion would start flying. And I'd get left behind *sobs*

Oh well, I'll get over it.

See? Already done.



Re: House of M questions...
May 18, 2005 08:02PM

You cant be serious? I never knew that!!!! LOL. Now I dont need to go see the movie.


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