colossus returns??

Posted by frank sasso 
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Re: colossus returns??
August 27, 2004 12:22PM

This is going to take a lot of explaining.

I've heard one decent theory on the EN*World messageboards, actually. How likely is it that the Xavier Institute has an on-site crematorium? Not very. It's possible (one might even say probable) that they went to some outside source for Piotr's cremation. And since the readers never saw Piotr's body consumed in crematory flames, it's entirely possible none of the X-Folks were there to see the cremation, either. And since it's possible no one saw the actual cremation, it's possible one of the Docs behind the "Cure for Mutancy" nabbed Piotr's body (and somehow revived him), and that the ashes Kitty Pryde spread over a river were from some other schlub.

Be Ex/20 to one another!
frank sasso
Re: colossus returns??
August 27, 2004 12:39PM
yes.....finally someone with a plausible (if you can use that term in marvel) theory behind petey's resurrection. thanx, doc. glad to see some people like the tin man, i was getting lonely. now the astonishing team is a well-balanced squad.
who will be coming on to x-force??? we got cable, domino, shatterstar, i heard rumors of caliban, cannonball, and meltdown. anyone else hear anything?:bounce::beer::bow::bounce:
Re: colossus returns??
August 28, 2004 03:15AM
Alright, I admit it...I missed the big guy. Irked at the retcon, but I'll take it with a grain of salt. Picked up the book yesterday, and those last pages are really well done. The only thing about this that will piss me off more than anything will be if 6 issues down the road we get one of those "oh, it wasn't really Peter, just someone masquerading as him" don't know..Xorn or Space Phantom.
That would suck.

With great power comes great responsibility in a world that fears and hates you, because criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot.
Re: colossus returns??
August 28, 2004 06:48AM

2) In my opinion, secondary mutations should only happen in the following situations:
A) if the character's powers are somehow overloaded as in the case of the following:
* exposure to chemical/energy/biological/molecular stimuli---Blade and other Daywalkers, Rogue, Krakoa the Living Island, She-Hulk, Inhumans, Wonder Man

Heh, actually, with all the growth hormones pigs & cows are loaded with (at least in America), as long as a character isn't a Vegetarian, Hindu, or Jewish, they'll be exposed to chemical stimuli every day. You can easily see this in the Real World, too -- just look at a group of 6th graders today, and flip through a 6th grade yearbook from 20 years ago.

Be Ex/20 to one another!
Re: colossus returns??
August 28, 2004 09:30PM
I think, in order to push continuity back together amongst all the books, Marvel needs to do another Secret Wars. I mean.. is there any of us who actually believe that The Beyonder is actually a sentient Cosmic Cube ?!?! He's still alive and still the Beyonder and the cosmic cube thing was a ruse or some kind of wierd test he was doing. Bring The Beyonder back and do a new Secret Wars that crosses over all the issues says I !!!
Re: colossus returns??
August 28, 2004 09:42PM
I was thinking more of a Crisis type thing, but whatever.
Re: colossus returns??
August 29, 2004 06:21AM
Yes, a Crisis would be far better for Marvel than another Secret Wars. Adding new titles (MAX, Ultimates) isn't the answer, that's like trying to contain a fire by throwing more fuel on it.

Be Ex/20 to one another!
Re: colossus returns??
August 29, 2004 06:57AM
The big fella is back! I've not bought an X-men comic since they killed him off.

Going to be interested in what they have in store for him. GUess i'm going to have to start buyimg an x-men comic again.

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