go directly to hell do not pass go

Posted by Fangs 
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go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 01:01AM
Righto then,
last session that my group played.

They were going through the Horror Movie, Scenario that I set up.

After finding out that Aliens from the Movie were loose in Melbourne somewhere also that the Queen is on the loose as well. Not to mentions that Freddy Kruger is out as well as the creatures from Pitch Black, and Predator. They finally meet with the Demon that was bringing this things to life from the cinema screen.

Ultimatum was. Return said artifact or deal with everything that I have unleashed. Only the demon is able to remove all aberrations without human error.

The Artifact was from a previous scenario that was run where they passed it onto Dr. Strange so that it would not fall into the wrong hands (Namely Mephisto's).

The PC's attacked the Demoness and they are currently fighting to protect the 3 dozen or so civilians in the cinema that were also Dimensionally teleported along with the cinema to the Hell Dimension.

I have the view that time in the Hell dimension moves slower than on Earth.
Thus this means that when they get back that Australia, and the Earth that they came from will be drastically different.

What would you do to the game world from here and how would the Heroes be viewed on their return.


>>| |-- ::!o --||<<
"Yes it the Game has bugs"
"I like mine squished"
"Bon Appetite!"
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 01:18PM
Well depending on when they got back, Earth as they know it is gone. The Aliens have basically spread across the planet using human as incubators. The few that are left are in hiding. The Pitch black monsters only come out at night, picking off any human foolish to be out after the sun goes down. Freddy makes it a even more hellish place as he invades Dreams at random(even alien, predators and PB monsters) and kills at will. Predators are out hunting the "hard meat" and PB monsters at night. They would see the heroes as either allies or sport depending on how you want to run it. They would also be looking for a physical body for ole Freddy so as to kill the the "deamon" from their dreams.

When the heroes get back, they're in for a lot of work and it'll seem that their time in Hell was plesant compared to the earth they return to.

All in all not a nice place to be........
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 03:04PM
Just make one of those humans Ash. Lord knows he'd survive some way.:beer:

Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 04:47PM
what would you say the chances of Marvel Earth Containing the Threat to Australia ?

>>| |-- ::!o --||<<
"Yes it the Game has bugs"
"I like mine squished"
"Bon Appetite!"
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 05:43PM
Not likely. Freddy would take out the earth heroes one by one in their dreams. The Aliens would find a way to sumggle out one of their embyros before the quarentine went into effect. The Predators would most likely take up hunting the Marvel Heroes and villians as"sport" they being the best and most desirable prey. The Pitch Black monsters would lie low and sneak about in order to hunt quietly and effectively. Heroes with and Energy Genration power would be able to take them out.
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 05:58PM
Or heroes with a flashlight. But remember they can fly, fast.

And Aliens can swim.

There would be heavy casualties. But I think most of the major heroes would go down to Freddy; If Ah-Nuld can take a Predator, Cap definitely can. After all, Batman's done it twice. Admittedly the second time was a long way from a straight one-on-one hunt, but nonetheless...

The Aliens would rip through most Marvel heroes, but they can be shot. SHIELD would probably take responsibility there, at least until they got gutted.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
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Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 09:49PM
At what point does Dr Doom use his science to mind control the predators, aliens, and pitch black monsters? ;)

Freddy Krueger would have a hard time dealing with Dazzler (as he most definately views himself as evil), most of the powerful telepaths (all of whom kick booty on the astral plane), and many of the more powerful sorcerers that may still be around (any spells that protect the sleeper from NightMare like Strange uses will stop Freddy Krueger cold; like wise the light of Agammato would do serious damage to Freddy).

Wonder Man may have the best fortune. He doesn't sleep (I think) so Freddy's SOL, he can sneer at the Alien's acid blood, the pitch black critters can't hurt him, and the Predators probably couldn't penetrate his body with any of thier weapons, assuming they can detect his energy body.

Malice (the empathic energy being) might well take on Freddy Krueger directly (it's not like she can die).
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 10:50PM
It would be fun to see what happens though.
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 26, 2004 11:43PM
Uh, I think you mean Dagger.

Now, Dazzler would be a pushover for Freddy. And probably one he enjoyed a lot.

Yeah. Quite a few heroes don't sleep - Juggernaut, Wonder Man, Vision - and they tend to be the ones who also can't really be taken out by other means.

You have a point. Doom could use his magic to keep off Freddy, and take advantage of the moment to take over.


Surrender? What? You think this letter on my head stands for FRANCE?
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 27, 2004 01:16AM

If you had the Marvel Heroes/ villians willingness to contain/ attempt to irradicate this problem.
How would you go about it.

I am thinking that Freddy could be contained easily enough.
The Aliens would be harder as they evolve and get stronger as they take on beneficial DNA from the host.
Think of Aliens with powers. Eg Teleport etc

Feed back ?

>>| |-- ::!o --||<<
"Yes it the Game has bugs"
"I like mine squished"
"Bon Appetite!"
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 27, 2004 12:25PM
well if you don't want to run your players through a "we've destroied the world" trip you could always have the demoness interfer with their travel back and send them to one of those lovley Alternate Earths.

just a thought.
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 27, 2004 02:12PM
Freddy COULD take out just about everybody that sleeps, but any of the mystics could probably fight him in on his own turf, and for all we know he'd go after them on purpose, just for fun. So that could slow him down and contain him a bit. And Freddy can't get everyone at once; it would take him a long time to work through all the heroes. In the meantime, the ones he hasn't taken out could fight the Aliens, Predators and Pitch Black critters.

The Aliens and Pitch Black critters would go after the general population of Earth, and the Predators would go after the heroes on purpose. The top-tier heroes not killed by Freddy could give all of the above a good fight, though the Predators would be toughest to deal with since they have brains, brawn AND high technology.

To complicate things ALOT, throw in the alien from The Thing (John Carpenter's version). Imagine fighting a Thing-Hulk duplicate. :-o
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 27, 2004 04:12PM
bit more back ground,
The Heli Carrier has previously crash landed. After being attacked by the red skull and his sleeper robots when he had travelled forward in time.

I have been slowly moving towards a more anti mutant world with the death of Princess Dianna and the Queen Mother being attributed to Mutants.

The stage is that England has a mutant registry. R.OP.E (Registry Of People Enhanced) Australia was in the process of setting up A.R.O.P.E (Australian Registry Of People Enhanced).

So I am guessing that the that the american registry would have been put in place.
Shield will have a new policy of No mutants or Super Powered Individuals as a result of the UN resolution.(influenced by the UK and US). Reason possible compromise of Command Level Decissions by mutants with Mental powers.

I am gearing toward the world gathering their Super Powered individuals and dumping them in Australia to Deal with this huge problem in an effort to contain it. Also a way that the leaders could kill 2 birds with the one stone. Contain the problem and also contain the Threat of Super powered individuals. Any captured individual would be given the option of Sterilisation and isolated incarceration or going to Australia to deal with the problem and being given citizen status.

What do you all think ?

>>| |-- ::!o --||<<
"Yes it the Game has bugs"
"I like mine squished"
"Bon Appetite!"
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
April 29, 2004 03:17PM
Interesting historical parallel with Australia being a penal colony back in the day.
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
May 07, 2004 06:53PM
With the way the marvel universe is and considering what has happened in Australia it seemed the like logical outcome.

>>| |-- ::!o --||<<
"Yes it the Game has bugs"
"I like mine squished"
"Bon Appetite!"
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
January 30, 2006 12:10PM
Hey Fangs,

Whats the update on this?

Your Humble Servant,
Re: go directly to hell do not pass go
January 31, 2006 03:14PM
The heros after refusing to deal with horipulata. Were teleported to hell. There they needed to protect the remaining civilians of the russel street cinema (about 3 dozen) The only PC that could get the group back was concused before the fight began (the player was absent for this game) and is not able to easily return to his home dimension as he's mentally lost. As a result he is protecting the remaining 3 dozen people while the other heroe's try to draw the fire & coming demon hoards away from the cinema.

The hero team continue to fight and I make them roll for exhaustion as they are fighting at full capacity and I needed to point out to them that they are going to run out of options very quickly. One PC was down and starting to loose endurance ranks. They come up with a plan.

Plasma enacts a supernova (Johny Storm Style) which buys the rest of the heroes some time. Plasma pushed herself to far and blacked out. This allowed Edwin Highfield finally manages to work out how to get back to the earth dimension (managed to tap Horipulatas mind breifly). When the PC's rescued Plasma the demons appeared to be about to overrun her unconscous form again. (Plot hook I will play on later).

Mean while back on earth time moves faster. Three years have passed. Humanity is in the grip of fear. In Australia. People & mutants have banded together.
Aliens have evolved after taking on mutant hosts.

They now have powers.

A Brief Blurb
march 30, 2002: Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother dies.- Death may not have been a result of old age. A mutant involved.

June 1, 2002:
Russell st Cinema a Hell Hole?
The Russell st Cinema disappeared last night leaving some form of dimensional hole behind.
Uncomfirmed witness reports state that there was a super powered battle between hoards of cinematic type creatures & some super powered beings.
Some eyewitness reports say that the mutants caused the attacks while others state that these mutants possibly saved hundreds from death.
Other witnesses reported that many of the creatures were allowed to escape into the sewers and off into the night sky. There are also posters that clearly Identify these mutants as SHIELD Agent, Lisa Carlos, Dt Jake Roberts of the Melbourne Police Deptartment, Edwin Highfield from Brittish Military Intelligence, MI6, Also seen entering the void was another mutant known as The Incredible Bulk. These mutants were seen by a witness co-opperating with another Demon with large purple bat wings.

There have been confirmed witnesses reports that another of these creatures was seen in the Fitzroy Gardens where more of the cinematic creatures known as Aliens from the movie with the same name attacked families in the park. Apparently many people are still missing.

The PM, Mr John Howard has labeled the Russell street area a no go zone & has called in the Millitary to assist. He has stated that the military are on high alert and that the the general populace should be extra careful until this potential threat has been dealt with. He also stated that those responsible will be held accountable for these events.

July 2, 2002: They are Real
Video footage of aliens predators & Pitch black creatures has surfaced showing victims as they are killed, carried off & eaten.
The military have also called for reinforcements as heavy loses occured over night.
Tortured screams for help have also started emerging from the sewers overnight in the Melbourne CBD.
The Millitary have sent rescue teams to recover those they believe are trapped but these teams are believed lost.
The PM, John Howard has called for assistance from our NATO Partners and is currently awaiting aid in the form of Military personel, experts and hi-tech hardware.
He has ordered that Melbourne be Quarantined And martial law is now in force in Victoria until the threat has passed.
angry scenes unfolded as people
demand more military aid & protection from the government. The Opposition has called for the legalisation of weapons sales in victoria to help the people help themselves. The PM has dismissed this as premature & irresponsible. He has stated that the current evidence is being investigated before any such policy change is to be considered.

Premier Mr. Steve Bracks has made a public statement allowing open, Registered sales of weapons & munition to the public.

A group Known as the X-men have arrived to assist the military & the populace. A move that has has been applauded by Victorians.

Their first action was to prepare a huge Spere to contain any more demons from entering Melbourne Via the portal that was the Russell st Cinema complex.

July 6th 2002.
An Enormous Metal Sphere with an 8ft thick shell has been constructed & put in place enchantments have been place by a warlock called Dr Strange that apparantly will stop any more demons from entering our dimension from the portal.

Registered weapon sales continue, with demand outstripping supply.

There have been more casualties among the military in the last 24hrs with the total no. of missing at around 2000 with 400 unconfirmed deaths.

July 8th 2002.
MUTANT Monday Masacre

July 16th 2002
Moral everywhere you go is at an all time low & becoming more bleak. More & more people are reported missing, killed or abducted, there a rumours that the APP (aliens, predators & pitch black creaturs) menace has spread to other areas of Australia.

The economy has come to a halt with overseas shipping & air freight no longer venturing to Australia. The air and water around australia has been declared a no go zone with any attempts at leaving the country being first warned then met with leathal force.

Word is spreading of a resistance group forming. All are welcome humans, mutants, AI entities, etc.
The Leader of this group is only known as "The Voice" of The Ristance". No one knows who THE VOICE is or what she or he looks like.

A statement was released
"The governments inaction & incompetence has lead to a growing apathy amoung the people. Especially with an alien den found with a large number of people found dead with evidence of alien infestation apparant.
As we can no longer rely on our elected officials to protect us we must now protect ourselves and rely on each other. Mutants & non-mutants alike. United we have a better chance of surviving this nightmare."

August 17th 2002
PM Infested
John Howard died today during a Televised press confernce after an alien burst forth in a graphic display that Horrified the nation.
The NATO partners have released a statement that Australia is now fully Quarantined. Travel to Australia is now one way only.
Some Governments from across the globe have started sending their mutants & super powered individuals to help fight. The word from the new arrivals is that they have been targeted from mutant Registry lists.

Marvel Game: STRONG HOLD
January 1: 2003
The team finally return after maarvel world time but only a couple of hours their time.
Two of the team left to scout for any other survivors.
This was Edwin Highfield and also The Incredile Bulk. They have yet to return.

Horipulata mocks them now and again. There are posters that have been put up stating that the heros are responsible for what happened. The number to call is 1800 GOTO HELL.

They have to find shelter after realising the above and need to protect the civilians.
On route to finding some where to rest they gather supplies and find out that the aliens have super powers now.

The heroes had taken up residence @ the shrine of Remembrance. They Cleaned out the alien presence before hand. It was surrounded by aliens. Which they are doing their best to keep away.
They had 2 predators with them against the coming onslaught.
Q: Will the Predators activate their personal fail safes?
Q: How will the heroes avoid the death of any civilian?
Q: Is there a way for them to reverse what (they?) have) has been done.
Q: Are they responsible?

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