Profile: Abomination

Fighting: Remarkable (30)
Agility: Typical (6)
Strength: Unearthly (100)
Endurance: Monstrous (75)

Reason: Good (10)
Intuition: Excellent (20)
Psyche: Typical (6)

Health: 211
Karma: 36

Popularity: Shift 0 (-40)
Resources: Feeble (2)


Real Name: Emil Blonsky Aliases/Nicks: Agent R-7, The Ravager of Worlds.
Class: Villain Identity: Secret
Age: Adult Gender: Male Height: 9 ft. 0 in. Weight: 1,700 lbs.
Hair/Fur: No Hair () Eyes: Green () Physical Form: Mutant Induced Race: (Human)
Marital Status: Divorced () Citizenship: Citizen of Yugoslavia, with no criminal record.
Place of Birth: Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Base of Operations: Mobile
Education: Unspecified degree in Literature. Occupation: Professional Criminal, Former secret agent; Fugitive, former university professor.
Origin of Powers: As a communist spy at Gamma Base in New Mexico, Blonsky activated Dr. Bruce Banner's gamma ray machine and bombarded himself with a greater dosage of gamma rays than that which mutated Banner into the Hulk. Since specific gamma ray mutation is determined by variations of genetic material, Blonsky's transformation resulted in a less human-looking form than Hulk's. Group Affiliation: Ally of the Abominations and the Forgotten; Formerly partner of the Rhino, crew of the starship Andromeda, agent of the Galaxy Master, and MODOK.

Known Relatives

Father: Unrevealed Mother: Unrevealed
Siblings: None Children: None
Additional Information

Nadia Dornova Blonsky (wife, divorced).


  • Body Armor: Abomination's scaly skin provides Amazing protection against physical and energy attacks.
  • Resistances: Unearthly resistance to cold, heat, fire, and disease.
  • Suspended Animation: Extreme pain, cold, or extended lack of oxygen can cause the Abomination to enter a coma-like state of suspended animation, in which he can survive, perhaps indefinitely.
  • Hyper-Leaping: The Abomination has overdeveloped leg muscles which allow him to leap with Class 5000 ability, covering two miles in a single bound.
  • Regeneration: The Abomination possesses Monstrous rank regeneration.



Blonsky had Military, Detective/Espionage, and Multi-lingual (English and Russian).

Physical Features

The Abomination has scaly greenish yellow skin, with a spine like protrusions down his back, and a ridged brow. He also possesses a massively muscled body with proportions considerably beyond those of an ordinary human.







As Emil Blonsky, he had contacts with the KGB; None as the Abomination.

Special Notes

While similar to the Hulk in almost every way, the Abomination differs from the Hulk in three ways:

1. He is unable to change back into human form.

2. His strength doesn't increase with anger as the Hulk does.

3. He regenerates from damage at a slower rate than the Hulk.

Personal History

Formerly known as Emil Blonsky, a spy of Soviet Yugoslavian original working for the KGB, the Abomination gained his powers after receiving a dose of gamma radiation similar to that which transformed Bruce Banner into the incredible Hulk. As a result he was permanently transformed into a massive green-skinned monster whose physical power was equivalent to, if not greater than, that of the Hulk. While he was able to maintain his normal level of self-control and intelligence after this transformation, he is unable to return to human form.

Given his gamma-spawned origins, Blonsky blames his condition on Banner and his alter ego, the Hulk. The Abomination and the Hulk have clashed on numerous occasions, with Blonsky perpetually playing the role of the aggressor. Although Blonsky occasionally gains the upper hand in their battles, the Hulk manages to triumph in the end. But not always; the Abomination is one of the few who can lay claim to victory over the green-skinned goliath.

In recent years, it was revealed that his hideous new visage had served to alienate Blonsky from his ex-wife, Nadia. Coupled with constant defeats at the hands of the Hulk, this has driven Blonsky nearly insane in his hatred for Banner. The Abomination also grew incensed upon learning that Banner had married Betty Ross, the daughter of General "Thunderbolt" Ross. With the loss of his wife, Blonsky figured it is only fair to him that Banner should lose Betty. Out of jealousy, he caused the apparent death of Bruce Banner's wife Betty. While she was recovering from radiation sickness caused by exposure to the gamma radiation within Banner, he poisoned her with his radioactive blood, causing Banner and his associates to believe that her close proximity to the Hulk had given her a fatal case of radiation poisoning. Banner later exposed the Abomination's role in Betty's seeming death, and defeated him in combat.

Not only had his grand scheme failed, but Banner also forgave Blonsky. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy's absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat. Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years.

Months later, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky. The Abomination was taken into custody by the military; as punishment, he was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost.

Recently, the Abomination was among the first victims murdered at the hands of the Red Hulk.